As part of a
joint research effort with Habitat International Coalition, the Bartlett
Development Planning Unit (DPU), City University – London, has just produce the
first phase of findings from research into the Habitat III national reporting
process across the world. This part of the inquiry surveys the diverse
processes in eight countries—Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jamaica, Mexico, Chile,
Peru and South Africa—to determine the level of participation in the processes
so far. It makes an early accounting of the content of four national reports so
far, determining the extent to which the principles of the Right to the City
figure in the reporting criteria and content.
This survey
represents the first step in a process to repair the national reporting process
to ensure an assessment of governments’ implementation of the Habitat II
commitments (1996) and applying the Right to the City principles in the
outcomes of Habitat III (2016) and their implementation.