HIC is a global, independent, and non-profit network for the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to habitat and a safe place to live in peace and with dignity, both in urban and rural areas.
HIC emerged from a civil society initiative at Habitat I, in 1976, and is today comprised of:
The Coalition’s network of members includes organizations from all over the world.
Social movements with whom we share common goals.
Social base in the world
Thanks to a broad social base, we defend habitat rights around the world.
HIC’s vision
A world in which all human rights related to habitat are protected, promoted and fulfilled so that everybody, everywhere has a safe and secure place to live in peace and with dignity, in rural and urban territories.
How HIC works
Through solidarity, coordination, networking, capacity-sharing and collective, cross-regional action of social movements and civil society organizations, HIC seeks systemic change and works to
develop and advocate transformative practices, norms and standards, including the social production of habitat
influence public policies within local, national, regional and international agendas
protect and fulfil the human right to adequate housing, land and other human rights related to habitat, advance toward gender and racial equality and equity and defend the right to a safe, healthy, clean and sustainable environment

Housing & Land Rights
Social Production of Habitat

Habitat and Gender

Habitat and Sustainable environment

Housing & Land Rights
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Social Production of Habitat
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Habitat and Gender
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Habitat and Sustainable enviroment
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Thematic focus areas
HIC Work Streams

Building a strong Coalition
Building a strong Coalition through collective learning, for and by active Members with the capacity, purpose, agency and willingness to work together.

Supporting Members initiatives
Supporting Member initiatives, mobilisation and popular processes that promote, defend and realize the human rights to land, adequate housing and all human rights in urban and rural areas, especially by collective production and management of habitat.

Advocacy at all levels
Influencing public policies and international treaties and conventions that regulate equitable land governance and the construction, distribution and enjoyment of adequate housing, neighborhood improvement towardin the full realization of human rights related to habitat.
Building a strong Coalition
Supporting Members initiatives
Advocacy at all levels
HIC Values that we collectively cherish and commit to practise as a Coalition

Political values and commitments that inspire our work and guide the action of the Coalition

Governance values refer to how we make decisions: