We are pleased to announce that the Electoral Process to renew the
representatives for Latin America and Caribbean for the period
November 2014-October 2018 was successfully concluded.
As planned, nominations and vote casting has been effectuated
through electronic means, especially through email.
Four persons were nominated, all belonging to organizations
affiliated to HIC Membership.
From the 32 HIC Members with right to vote stated on the HIC-AL
roster of voters at the opening of the voting process, 28
organizations from 13 countries participated in the process:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Peru and Uruguay.
The result of the vote is as follows:
1) Mr. RAMIRO GARCÍA. Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo
(DESCO), Peru: 9 votes
2) Mr. FERNANDO ZERBONI. Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de
Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua (FUCVAM), Uruguay: 8 votes
3) Mrs. ALICIA SANCHEZ. Federación Tierra y Vivienda (FTV),
Argentina: 6 votes
4) Mr. GABRIEL RAMIREZ. Centro Operacional de la Vivienda y
Poblamiento (COPEVI), Mexico: 4 votes
In addition, from the 28 casted votes, one vote corresponds to
The result of the vote, as stipulated by the Electoral Rules to
ensure the gender balance, indicates that Mr. Ramiro García has been
elected as Representative at the Board and that Mrs. Alicia Sánchez
will be the Alternate at the Board.
We thank all the HIC Members from the HIC-AL Region that have
actively participated in this process and congratulate the two
companions elected at the HIC Board; we are convinced that they will
undertake this task with much enthusiasm and responsibility.
Regional Electoral Committee:
Mrs. Paola Bagnera. VIVIENDA SOCIAL Y CIUDAD (Santa Fe, Argentina)
Mrs. Carmen González Altamirano. FUPROVI (Moravia, Costa Rica)
Mr. Carlos Estrada Casarín. OCUPA TU CIUDAD (Guadalajara, Mexico)
Mrs. Jancarla Loayza. HIC Friend (Bolivia)