publication gathers the research “Moving toward the Implementation of the Right
to the City in Latin America and Internationally”, an initiative of the Global
Platform on the Right to the City.
main objective is to update and delve the international process of debating the
right to the city content and strategies through a Global Platform on this
issue in order to propel the process on national and global levels and to
advance in its recognition and realization on different scales, also
contributing on international level to integrate an agenda of commitments and
actions for implementing the Right to the City in the World Urban Agenda, which
will be drafted during the process of the III Conference on Housing and
Sustainable Urban Development and in the Post-2015 Development Agenda –
Sustainable Development Goals.
researches were conducted in countries and cities in Latin America, Europe,
Asia and Africa. In Latin America, Brazil and Colombia were selected, focusing
on the cities of Sao Paulo and Bogota; in Europe, Italy and Spain were the
focus of the research, as well as the cities of London, Istanbul and Hamburg; and,
in Africa, South Africa and Kenya were singled out, and the cities of Cairo and
Jerusalem were also part of the research.
conducted researches aim at contributing to the understanding of the right to
the city as a collective right of the cities’ inhabitants that comprises the
dimension of adequate urban living conditions and social justice as well as of strengthening
participation, direct democracy and citizenship in the cities, which has been
built since the early 21st century through an international network of civil
society actors and national and local governments being developed in World
Social Forums, Urban Social Forums and World Urban Forums.
studies bring a critical analysis to revise and update the practices and forms
of acting in favour of the right to the city – by identifying, registering and
systematizing legislation, policies, programs, projects, practical experiences
promoted by governmental bodies, public institutions, social and cultural organizations
and groups of the society.
research intends to stimulate the production and dissemination of knowledge on
the right to the city in order to contribute with building equal, democratic
and sustainable cities throughout the world, as well as supporting the development
of a global network of researchers through an International Observatory of the
Right to the City oriented at monitoring and following up public policies and
local, national and international initiatives over the Global Platform on the Right
to the City, particularly those regarding the compliance with the commitments
made on behalf of this platform in the Post-2105 Millennium Agenda –
Sustainable Development Goals and the World Urban Agenda defined during Habitat
research was coordinated by Instituto PÓLIS (coordinating member of the National
Forum for Urban Reform – FNRU) and by the Habitat International Coalition –
Latin America (HIC-AL), and supported by the Ford Foundation.
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