“Thinking, learning and making together” the Right to the City from the commons – an exchange at the National University of Moreno in Buenos Aires


On Thursday, May 2, Lorena Zárate, Professor of History UNLP (National University of La Plata) and coordinator of the Global Platform for the Right to the City facilitated a virtual meeting with presentation and exchange of questions in the space of the subject URBANISM 1 of the Architecture Department of the National University of Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires (UNM). The session was developed as an open class in which students were mobilised by the concepts, challenged by questions that open up to creation and move thoughts for action for the Right to the City from the commons.

“Thinking, learning and making together”.

The exhibition “The Right to the City from the Commons” was presented with the intention of “thinking, learning and coming together”. The session was led by Lorena Zárate, who is also a Professor of History at the UNLP (National University of La Plata) and former President of HIC and part of the Council of Wise Men and Women of the Coalition. She has developed her professional life from Mexico and currently from Canada, contributing to urban processes in communities in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.

La sesión tuvo lugar después de la gran marcha en defensa de la Universidad Pública en Argentina, el jueves 2 de mayo de 19 a 20 en la UNM (Universidad Nacional de Moreno). Han estado presentes en el Aula 5 del Edificio Dorrego 75 en el espacio de la Materia Urbanismo1 (a cargo de Guillermo Marzioni y Evelyn Nolazco) y participaron de manera virtual otros 70 estudiantes de Introducción al Urbanismo (Paola Bagnera y Lujan Tarizo) y referentes del Hábitat Arq. Bela Pelli / UNNE, Resistencia; Arq. Caro Rodrigues / Canoa, Santa Fe; Arq. Antonia Terraza / Pro-Habitat, Cochabamba; Lic. Anelise Melendez / RENASEH, La Paz; Claudio Romero / Coop Milagro FTV, Posadas.

From Lorena’s open class, in which her contribution is highlighted, the students have been mobilised by the concepts, challenged by questions that open up to creation and move thoughts for action. You can access the session here:

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