Stop Bulldozers. Hundreds of houses being demolished at Rafah.
Prime Minister Sharon and Defense Minister Mofaz authorized the army to demolish hundreds of Palestinian houses at Rafah, on the Gaza Strip's border with Egypt, so as to create a "sterile" zone hundreds of meters wide.
No State Is Above the Law
As the situation in Rafah and elsewhere in the Gaza Strip further deteriorates, local and international human rights organisations deplore the inaction of the international community.
Israel begins destruction of “hundreds of homes” in Rafah
2,197 people already left homeless in 15 days, at least 15 killed.
HIC-AL activities in the Social Forum of the Americas
The first Social Forum of the Americas will be
held in Quito, Ecuador between 25 - 30 July as part of the process opened in 2001 by the World Social Forum.
Israel and the Occupied Territories – Under the rubble: House demolition and destruction of land and property
More than 3,000 homes, vast areas of agricultural land and hundreds of other properties have been destroyed by the Israeli army and security forces in Israel and the Occupied Territories in the past three and a half years.
Over 300,000 people to be forcefully evicted from Yamuna Pushta
In Delhi: 40,000 homes demolished so far
HLRN hosts regional consultation on the right to adequate housing
The subject and purpose of the regional consultation is “women’s right to adequate housing and land.” The consultation will take place in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina over four days (23–26 July 2004)
Christiania – the communal enclave founded out of the squatting movement in the early 1970s
Grass routes. The communal enclave founded out of the squatting movement in the early 1970s - regards itself as a "free state" within Denmark
El Londres de los sin techo
En la capital británica, una de las ciudades más ricas del mundo, decenas de miles de personas no tienen hogar. Además, según diversas organizaciones, más de 175.000 familias viven hacinadas en pequeños apartamentos, como en las peores páginas de Dickens.
Urban Poor Program
Agreement on what to do with the 19,000 urban poor families living illegally on the campus of the University of Philippines
Hundreds of thousands of unemployed tenants under pressure
The heavy debates on the introduction of the new law for the “support” of unemployed continues. Last December parliaments decided to cut the support for long-term employees and put it together with the social welfare.
Adverse Possession: How People Squat
Squats often take the form of community centers, as squats are often the result of community action. That article also explores the artificial concept of land ownership in detail, challenging the right of the few to take the land from the many, as well observing how violence is necessary to keep those lands from the masses.