Privatization and globalization of rental housing in Germany
Tenants associations and trade unions are lobbying for conditions which will regulate privatisations of the flats.
On the respect to the human rights of Quilombos communities in Alcântara, State of Maranhão, Brazil
153 ethnic quilombo communities have been carrying on an arduous struggle to guarantee the implementation of their fundamental human rights and to prevent violations of their right to Adequate Housing and to independent self-determination.
Rural homelessness reaches crisis point
Homelessness is rising at a faster rate in the countryside than in towns and cities. Housing is becoming more unaffordable for local communities as more and more people leave the city for the countryside.
Housing solutions
Today, in many Third World cities, the majority simply cannot afford the kind of housing that is being produced. It is time to go back to fundamentals.
UNHCR: Sharp decline in refugees, others of concern in 2003
The global number of refugees and others of concern to the U.N. refugee agency fell by 18 percent to 17.1 million in 2003
HIC annual events – Barcelona 2004
Coinciding with the Forum of Cultures Barcelona 2004 and the World Urban Forum, WUF, HIC is preparing its main annual events from September 8th to 17th.
Money for Lyari Expressway Project from Kuwait Development Fund
Already nearly 5,000 families have been evicted. Thousands of shops, schools, clinics, mosques and churches have been demolished. The resettlement site is very inadequate.
The water crisis
One and a half billion people across the world lack drinking water and another two billion lack clean water generally.
The housing problem of “those with a roof”. 25 years of lessons of Neo liberal social housing policies in Chile
The public financing mechanism –housing subsidy funded by state budget–, has facilitated the construction of over half a million social-housing units. These turnkey units have been built on urbanised plots, housing in ownership.
Homeless children ‘miss school’
Shelter said homelessness has a "devastating impact" on health, education and job opportunities.
Habitat Day 2004
Organize Action in YOUR City on International Housing Rights Days ! Each HIC affiliated network and organization is asked to sponsor one or more public events in their countries on or about International Housing Rights Day (first Monday in October)
United Nations Rights Experts Appeal To Israel On House Demolitions
The Special Rapporteurs of the Commission on Human Rights on adequate housing and on the right to food issued the following statement today: