Key Demands on Human Settlements for CSD-13
For EU positions at CSD 13 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
Charter for the Right to the City
Brazilian government suscribed the Charter during WSF 2005
Women and the Right to Adequate Housing: Connections and Strategies Forward
In his 2005 Report on Women and Adequate Housing the Special Rapportuer notes “the prevalence of certain cultural norms that deprive women of their rights to land, inheritance and property, which in turn prevents them from accessing their right to adequate housing.” The interconnections between land and housing, the extent to which women’s right to adequate housing is dependent on the right to adequate land, and the impact of custom and culture on women’s access and ownership to housing and land were most evident in the testimonies given by local grassroots women at the Pacific Regional Consultations in October 2004.
World Homelessness: Seeking work, not aid
While the many charitable and public-sector initiatives may be well-meaning and even provide temporary relief, the key to keeping down the number of those out on the streets will be to change Japan's employment situation.
People-centered Tsunami relief and rehabilitation
Recommendations from affected communities, professionals and NGOs in Asia
Tsunami Thailand: The SECOND WEEK – from Somsook Boonyabancha
This unfortunate tragedy has added severely to the issues which most of the fisher-folk in Asia have faced for years: the most important being the insecure and weak land tenure status of most of the low income settlements along the coast.
NGO Lobbying at the Commission on Sustainable Development
CSD was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of the commitments of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio 1992); to monitor and report on implementation of the Earth Summit agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels.
Report of HIC President to the Members, 2005
Tsunami Relief Appeal – South Asia
To raise funds to meet relief and rehabilitation needs
Tsunami News from Asia’s Urban Poor Networks
Find updates from our friends in Asia - from the urban poor community networks and supporters in:
Quick statement for the follow up of Multi stakeholder consultation with the EU
CSD 13 must deal with implementation and commitments on concrete action.
Pacific women heard on right to land and housing
Themes arising from the Pacific consultation include the sources and solutions to land tenure systems, indigenous land rights and discrimination, women’s housing rights and problems related to domestic violence, inadequate housing conditions, urbanisation and squatter settlements, civil conflict, legal, cultural and traditional barriers, water and basic sanitation.