Call to Action to Stop the Violence Against the Farmers, Women and Children of Egypt
Number of social movements and organizations -interested in farmers cases and their rights in land- have united in solidarity with the Egyptian farmers to stop the humiliation and violence practiced against them, so that they could enjoy safe land possession and a decent life. The campaign can lead to positive results with your solidarity.
Latin American Women speak out about their Access to Adequate Housing
AWID Interview to Maria Silvia Emmanuelli.
Entitlements of the Right to Adequate Housing
Concepts and meanings of the components of the Right to Adequate Housing
Call to action: Housing and Land Rights Day 2005
Throughout October 2005, local, national and regional organizations, social movements, NGO’s and academic institutions are called to organize public actions and events to denounce destructive impacts of neo-liberal development policies and economic globalization (such as: budget cuts, forced evictions, land speculation and privatization of social housing and utilities) on people’s housing and land rights across the planet.
Report on equality between women and men
While addressing very important issues of equality on the labour market does not deal with other very key issues such as ensuring a gender perspective in economic policy, trade or development cooperation policy.
Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (PWESCR)
PWESCR will work to promote women’s human rights, especially in the context of economic, social and cultural rights by bringing a gender framework to policy, law and practice at local, national, regional and international levels through ever-evolving strategies and activities in both conceptual and practical realms.
Our friend, Wardah Hafidz is to receive Gwangju Human Rights Award!
HIC Board Member internationally awarded
People and their cities: Of mice and women
There are a huge number of international commitments on shelter that the Indian government has consistently failed to meet
Privatising human rights: the impact of globalisation on access to adequate housing, water and sanitation
While the debate continues at the international level on whether or not globalisation can bring benefits to the world’s poor, the fact remains that the deepening inequalities of income and opportunity between and within nations has led to an increase in the number of people without adequate and secure housing. The impact of globalisation on access to adequate housing, water and sanitation.
HIC Proposes Text to Clarify MDG Target 11
and Sample Letter to Support HIC Goals for Final CSD Report read...
Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment
Since 1996, over 2400 practices from 140 countries have been received. All submissions undergo a three-stage assessment and review process resulting in Award-winning, best and good practices.
Drinking Water Crisis in Pakistan and the Issue of Bottled Water
A case study edited by the Swiss Coalition of Development Organisations and ActionAid Pakistan