UN World Habitat Day 2005 to Focus on Cities, Slums and Development
With one sixth of the world's population - one billion people - living in slums, slum upgrading and slum prevention is critical to meeting the development goals agreed on by world leaders, the United Nations agency for human settlements said today as it announced the theme for World Habitat Day.
Women’s Right to Adequate Housing, Land, & Livelihood – India National Workshop & Public Hearing
Cultural prejudices often limit women from managing their own property or that shared with their husbands. Inheritance by women is a sensitive subject and varies widely across religions and cultures.
The Urban Imperative: Urban outreach strategies for protected area agencies
The disconnections between cities and protected area systems are part of a bigger problem. What is needed first and foremost is an ecosystem approach to policy-making and policy implementation that recognizes the interdependence of cities and the larger environment.
Housing and Land Rights Day: The Right to the City
Call to action for Monday 3 October 2005
Global Agenda for Protection of Refugee Women & Children
The Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children actively participated in the Global Consultations on International Protection and the development of the Agenda for Protection (AfP). We view the AfP as an important tool to advance the protection and empowerment of refugee women and children. The following is a brief synopsis of some of the Women’s Commission’s ongoing activities aimed at addressing the key protection concerns of displaced women and children.
Grants Permit to Arab Bedouin Family to Build Home on their Privately-Owned Land in the Galilee
After Seven-Year Legal Struggle, Land and Planning Appeals in its Concluding Observations, the CEDAW Committee emphasized 14 areas of concern and recommendations regarding Israel’s violation of the basic rights of Palestinian women citizens of Israel and Palestinian women living in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs), which are safeguarded under the CEDAW.
UN report on forced evictions in Zimbabwe
You can access the UN Habitat’s report on the forced evictions in Zimbabwe on the HLRN Website at: http://www.hlrn.org/documents/Tibaijuka%20report.pdf
Lobbying and advocacy for habitat and tenants rules implementation in Togo
Since 2002, the "Habitat Division" of the Association Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement du Togo (ANCE/TOGO), in English "National Consumers and Environmental Association of Togo", has launched its programme "sustainable habitat" which aimed to promote habitat and tenants rules implementation in Togo.
Crisis of Large Numbers of Internally Displaced Children Due to Conflict in Nepal
Between 10,000 and 15,000 children expected to be displaced into urban areas in 2005
Namibia moves to protect widows rights
The Namibian government aims to introduce a new inheritance bill to protect the rights of widows and children, who are often dispossessed of land and homesteads.
Polycentric World Social Forum 2006
The sixth edition of the World Social Forum will be polycentric, which means that it will be decentralized, taking place in different parts of the world, in January 2006. Up to now, three cities will host the 6th WSF: Bamako (Mali-Africa), Caracas (Venezuela – Americas) and Karachi (Pakistan-Asia) in .
Satellite images of an area of Harare before and after Operation Murambatsvina
These images show the town of Harare, Zimbabwe and the effects of President Robert Mugabe’s “clean-up campaign” that involved the razing of shantytowns to root out crime. Imagery collected April 16 and June 4, 2005 at Kubatana: the NGO Network Alliance Project - an online community for Zimbabwean activists.