Mainstreaming the culture of peace
As defined by the United Nations, the Culture of Peace is a set of values, attitudes, modes of behaviour and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations-
UN expert finds corruption and suspect land grabs affecting the poor in Cambodia
Large-scale land grabbing in Cambodia, inadequate legal protection for tenants, poor water and sanitation, and bias against women and indigenous people are among the major issues cited by a United Nations human rights expert on housing after a visit to the South-East Asian country.
Afghanistan – Housing for Poor & Homeless Women
Housing for a million women planned. Lack of shelter is a huge issue in Afghanistan as millions of returned refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) slowly seek to pick up their lives, only to find their villages and streets destroyed. Many households are headed by women who suffer badly from poverty, discrimination and lack of opportunity.
2005 World Summit: Sustainable Development Remains Central in the International Development Agenda
Despite taking half-hearted and lukewarm steps towards speeding up implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to eradicate poverty, the 2005 World Summit held last week in the United Nations Headquarters in New York has reinforced sustainable development, says Sustainability Watch network.
Global Rights Coalition Urges US to Change Course at UN Summit
The US government should drop its opposition to action on climate change and poverty reduction at this week’s UN summit in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the leading global network of housing rights advocacy groups urged today.
Farmers Rights and Demands in Egypt
On the occasion of the Egyptian Presidential and People's council elections (september 2005), the LCHR in collaboration with its' farmer partners in the different governorates have prepared the Farmers Document, and we hope that CSOs in Egypt organize campaigns to implement these demands for a better world and a safe and a decent ife for all Egyptians
Afghans accelerate voluntary repatriation from Pakistan’s tribal areas
The number of Afghans who have requested UNHCR help to repatriate from Kurram and Bajaur agencies has risen sharply as the government of Pakistan's August 31 deadline for closure of refugee camps draws near.
UN adopts groundbreaking new principles on housing and property restitution
Housing and property restitution in the context of the return
of refugees and internally displaced persons
Representation of a HIC Member at the General Assembly
Send a proxy to a HIC member to assure you're representated at the next General Assembly.
Greens Warn That Israel’s Gaza ‘Disengagement Plan’ Will Not Bring Peace
"While the evacuation of Israeli presence from any portion of the occupied territories is welcomed, it must be part of a negotiated plan with the Palestinians as dictated by the U.S. envisioned road map to encompass a future contiguous Palestinian state" said Sameer Tuffaha, Chairman of the Board of the Palestinian American Congress.
Agenda of HIC Global Meetings, Cairo 2005
Social Production Around the World. People Creating Rights-based Solution.
Praying with Their Eyes Closed: Reflections on the Disengagement from Gaza
Israel’s disengagement plan is widely hailed by the international community, led by the United States, as a first step toward the final resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the establishment of a viable Palestinian state. This essay is a refutation of that view.