This publication
provides an overview of the meaning, intent and implications of the human right
to adequate housing, and illustrates de jure and de facto obstacles to women
worldwide enjoying this right effectively. Mayra Gomez, Co-Executive Director
of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provided
input into the publication, and hopes that it is used as a tool by women’s
rights advocates worldwide.
The publication
is divided into four substantive sections. Following the introduction, chapter
I describes the international legal and policy frameworks for the implementation
of women’s right to adequate housing, including human rights treaties, the
principles of non-discrimination and equality and the progressive realization
of economic, social and cultural rights. Chapter II outlines the main
underlying causes, ranging from discriminatory statutory laws to customary laws
and practices and lack of access to legal and other remedies. Finally, chapter
III elaborates on a number of selected issues such as forced evictions,
degraded living conditions, and cultural and religious recognition of women’s
rights, underlining regional similarities and differences.
There are
examples of initiatives by women and women’s groups around the world to address
the general and specific issues faced by women in their struggle for social
rights, illustrating the strength and creativity of individual women and communities
that have responded to violations of women’s rights to adequate housing, land
and inheritance. There are also many examples of projects undertaken by
communities, sometimes in conjunction with States, to positively address the
needs and violations of women’s rights. Some are highlighted in this
publication. Its aims is therefore twofold: to shed light on the main obstacles
to women’s full enjoyment of the right to adequate housing; and offer guidance
about measures to prevent and eradicate discrimination, including violence,
against women in housing rights.
The full publication can be accessed HERE.