This map is a product of Habitat International Coalition`s HLRN`s Violation Database (VDB) , documenting cases provided by HIC Members and other reliable sources through January 2008–September 2010. It reflects four of the most-common types of violations of the human right to adequate housing and land: (1) forced eviction, (2) demolition, (3) dispossession and (4) deprivation arising from privatization of social housing, land and services.
The mouse-over feature identifies the individual country and reveals the number of persons affected by the violations there. Single click to zoom in on any country. Then double click on the HIC logo within that enlarged country to show its case data in the VDB. To return to the normal view, just click on any water body represented on the map.
Reflecting a global perspective, the VDB demonstrates how violations of rights to adequate housing and land degrade living conditions and deepen poverty in all regions. Uncharted areas shown as gray do not imply an absence of violations, but indicate only a lack of verifiable data and the need for more and improved monitoring and documentation of housing and land rights conditions.
The VDB’s record of cases also acknowledges and charts countries with common causal and contextual factors. Click on the following links for corresponding maps of countries where housing and land rights violations have taken take place in the context of disaster, as well as conflict, occupation and war. These additional iterations of the VDB violations map reflect enduring violations that result from the denial of refugees` and displaced disaster victims` housing and land rights during the period under review.
To enlarge the map please click here.