HIC’s cross-regional learning and historical experience on the Social Production of Habitat is now available in a unique podcast episode


This episode of the podcast is now available to navigate through a global understanding of the Social Production of Habitat, and the steps needed to advocate for collective ownership and management of housing and land.

During the month of November 2023, Habitat International Coalition held a Mutual Learning Space on Social Production of Habitat (SPH) through 4 online sessions and different asynchronous activities, which had the overall objective of  building a common understanding among HIC members, friends and allies from different regions of the world on concepts and practices of Social Production of Habitat in order to raise our collective and global voice for political action and joint advocacy strategies on the issue.

To contribute to consolidate and share the legacy of this valuable process and favour the continuation of the necessary inter-regional dialogue on the subject, we have prepared a Podcast in Spanish, English and French, with the highlights of the sessions of the Mutual Learning Space, emphasizing concepts, experiences, reflections and ways of advocacy on the Social Production of Habitat.

What will we find in the podcast?

In this sense, in the Podcast you will find, firstly, the conceptualisation of the Social Production of Habitat, its key elements and the contextualisation of its origin and journey in our Coalition.

Secondly, you will learn about the highlights of some transformative experiences of Social Production of Habitat and reflections on the main challenges in Brazil, Mexico, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Lebanon.

Thirdly, they will learn about some successful experiences of advocacy on Social Production of Habitat in legal and public policy frameworks in Indonesia, Kenya and Argentina; they will also be able to review and revaluate the key advocacy results related to Social Production of Habitat in Global Agendas derived from the Habitat I (Vancouver-1976), Habitat II (Istanbul-1996), the Summit on Sustainable Development (New York-2015) and Habitat III (Quito-2016) Conferences.

Finally, they will learn about a couple of experiences of regional and global articulation around the Social Production of Habitat and some elements and clues to continue reflecting and enriching the concept, work and strategies, considering both the common elements and the challenges and differences between regions, countries and contexts. HIC’s commitment is to continue to develop a common voice that allows us to influence and mobilise with greater strength.

Don’t miss this episode, and share it widely! Let’s bring together the Social Production of Habitat to defend the collective management of housing and land.