—> Urbamonde – UrbaMonde is organizing a conference on the occasion of World Habitat Day at hepia Genève: “Housing professions & international solidarity“.
Public lecture, free admission, Monday, October 7, 2019
hepia, room B116, rue de la Prairie 4,1202 Geneva.
- Sarah Bronsard – Technical support to strengthen collaborative urban planning in Dakar
- Lucas Wenger & Thimotee Laurans – From Tree to City, Dakar, Senegal
- Gwenlande Piriou – A local brick factory by and for artisans in Dakar
• Crossed views and perspective, presentation of the campaign Pour un Habitat solidaire underway in Geneva. Click here to read the Press release.
• Screening of an extract from the film MBOLO MOY DOLE! – L’UNION FAIT LA FORCE! in the presence of director Alex Amiguet and Pierre André Dupraz (Civil Engineering Department of hepia Geneva).
Link to the event in Facebook
—> Enda Tiers du Monde: National sharing workshop for the contribution to the presidential project to build 100,000 social housing units.
The Network of Actors and Professionals of West African Cultural Enterprises and Industries (RAPEICAO) and the International Network Enda Third World, invites you to the national sharing workshop on the theme: Architectural diversity at the heart of the presidential directive on 100,000 social housing units; How to build and live differently in local authorities.
The event is part of the celebration of World Habitat Day 2019, and the implementation of the three-year strategic plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme for the period 2020-2023. The meeting will take place on Monday, October 7, 2019 at the headquarters of ENDA Tiers Monde, Avenue Cheikh Anta DIOP Complex Sicap-Point E, from 9:00 am.
Click here to read the invitation (available in French)
—> DESCO – Urban Programme, Public video presentation: The Right to the City from the perspective of women in Lima (Peru)
Monday, set 24. 12am (local time Lima)
—> DESCO – Programa Urbano , Presentación publica de vídeo: El Derecho a la Ciudad desde la perspectiva de las mujeres en Lima (Perú)
Lunes 24 de set. 12am (horario local Lima)
Vigil in front of the MVOTMA Globazo, mobilization. From 18 and Juan Paullier to Independence Square.
Talk Debate on housing issues and proposals of FUCVAM with the candidates for the presidency of the Republic. Place: Paraninfo of the University.
Brasil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Maceió, João Pessoa, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Manaus, Belem, Porto Velho, Goiania e Brasilia) *Ainda podem se somar outras
The main objectives of the Day are to fight against the dismantling of policies on housing, mobility and land regularization, to defend access to land for low-income families, and against the privatization of the Caixa, sanitation and public banks, which will further increase degradation and the process of impoverishment.
Public demonstrations in several Brazilian cities in defense of the right to housing and the city and against the dismantling of public policies.
We demand of the federal government:
- Priority for low-income families in housing production policies, land title regularization and slum urbanization;
- Immediate disconnection of budgetary resources for Minha Casa Minha Vida and sanitation and mobility programs, so that there are no new delays and construction stoppages;
- Revision of the budget proposal sent to the National Congress, including real investments in popular housing;
- Resumption of the Minha Casa Minha Vida programs and the National Rural Housing Program, ensuring the self-management and protagonism of families in the housing production process.
- Republication and contracting of the projects selected in Ordinances 595 and 597 of 2018;
- Resumption of the works paralyzed in the MCMV;
- For the destination of the FGTS for sanitation and housing and against the dismantling of the Fund
- No to the privatisation of Caixa and its maintenance as a bank for the promotion of urban development and housing;
- -Destination of federal public real estate for popular housing and immediate halt to the privatization of public real estate;
- The end of forced evictions and the construction of mediated solutions to land conflicts, where the state guarantees and does not violate rights;
- Resumption of the process of the 6th Conference of Cities and the National Council of Urban Policy
27th September – Round table discussion on the right to the city and housing and habitat as a human right: “The right to the city-a dialogue on access and right to adequate housing and a decent habitat in the big city” in coordination with Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur, specialist on the issue of housing as a human right.
28th September – Presentation of the documentary and conversation entitled: “Push”: Prepared by Fredrik Gertten, Swedish filmmaker, producer and journalist, who was awarded in 2017, as honorary doctor at the University of Malmö, making visible through the big screen why housing is a fundamental right to ensure a safe and healthy life, as part of the campaign promoted by the United Nations on housing as a Human Right.
29th and 30th September: Latin American Encounter for Habitat. Conference on “The role of social movements in defending the human right to habitat”. Organization and advocacy experience of the National Commission of Settlers (CONAPO). Good Practices related to advocacy from youth for their right to adequate habitat. Good Practices on Cooperative Housing for Mutual Aid, a model of restitution of rights. Experience of restitution of rights in Central America from COCEAVIS. Conference on “Human right to habitat with a gender perspective and the role of social organisations”. Good Practices related to mechanisms for access to land, financing and the right to the city. ASPODEPAZ, defense of natural resources and habitat in the department of La Paz. Conversation: Challenges for the fulfillment of the human right to housing and habitat. Perspectives of the Government of El Salvador, in compliance with Human Rights and International Treaties on Habitat and Housing.
1st October – Mobilization with social organizations from Cuscatlán Park to Plaza de El Salvador del Mundo: Political position on issues related to Habitat and Housing. Government Perspectives on Social Housing in El Salvador. The problem of Mesoamerican-COCEAVIS housing, advances in the CVAM model in housing and habitat. The Social Production of Habitat and the human right to the city. The struggles of social movements for habitat in Latin America.