The World Social Forum
(WSF) was held in Tunis, Tunisia,
from 24 to 28 March 2015. The WSF 2015 was held at a crucial time for the
social movements claiming for more justice, freedom and solidarity. The aims
and guidelines chosen considered the political, social and economic changes in
Maghreb-Mashreq, and on the African Continent, as well as the ecological and
economical worldwide crisis.
Habitat International Coalition (HIC) – the
global network for rights related to habitat- in
coordination with other civil society organizations and social movements within
the WSF, joined the democratic debate of ideas, exchange of experiences and
building strategies against neoliberal policies and in defense of the commons,.
Alongside with the WSF, and taking advantage of the presence of
many Coalition members in Tunis, HIC held various institutional activities,
including the Board meeting (21 and 22 March) and the General Assembly meeting
(23 March).
We kindly invite you to read the summary
of documents with the outcomes of HIC’s activities at the World Social Forum
Solidaire avec le Peuple Tunisien
Comunicados de prensa
Global Platform for the Right to the
City in the 13th World Social Forum
International Coalition (HIC) participe au Forum Social Mondial 2015
Activities’ reports
Civil society´s
expectations and needs from the Habitat III process
Right to the
City + Social Production of Habitat Platforms
How to implement the Right to the City to build
democratic and sustainable cities
Reclaiming the City, Reclaiming Local Food
Local Authorities Supporting Palestine
News by other organizations
Discussions on Habitat III pick up speed at 14th World Social Forum
What’s going on with Habitat 3
National Reports?