Habitat voices: through this pandemic, the future is today – Our Manifesto


May 2020

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defence, promotion and realization of human rights related to habitat, housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

HIC is made up of more than 354 member organisations around the world and coordination offices in Mexico City, Cairo, New Delhi and Barcelona that work together to strengthen links between organisations and collectives, accompanying and supporting community processes and the most disadvantaged groups so that everybody has a safe place to live in peace and with dignity both in the countryside and in the city.

  1. The pandemic has made pre-existing inequalities visible

Cities—large, midsized and small— are today home to more than half the world’s population and often islands of modernity and capitalist opulence.  But much of the world’s urban population continues to live in inadequate, unsafe conditions and places, in poverty and without opportunities. Throughout the world, the conditions of habitat reflect deep economic, social, political and environmental inequalities. These are the consequence of accelerated processes of privatization of urban and rural spaces, speculation and dispossession, which in turn produce unequal access to common goods and services that are essential to everyone’s daily life.  Structural inequalities are particularly evident throughout much of the Global South, after more than three decades of neoliberal policies that have prioritized accumulation over human life.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a global health crisis; it has exposed pre-existing inequalities and the exhaustion of the political-economic system that produces and reproduces these inequalities, as well as historical exclusions and the destruction of ecosystems, vital to human life.  Faced with this global sanitary alert, cities have gone into quarantine under “universal immunological measures of social protection” like “stay-at-home” programs which have been quickly spread without distinction to gender, class, age, ethnicity, physical or mental capacity.  Such measures assume that everyone has a home, access to basic water, sanitation and food, the ability to work from home and to draw on their savings in periods of crisis.  Thus, we are witnessing an unqualified perception of the State as protector of the lives of all citizens; and a romanticized view of COVID-19 quarantines, as scenarios where ‘home’ is presumed as a safe place, and ’people’ as owners of their bodies and times, of their decisions on production and reproduction, on collective action and political participation; in short, as citizens in full capacity to exercise their rights.

These assumptions, which are deeply rooted in our societies and system of government, continue to have a disproportionate impact on typically invisible social sectors: the poor, the informal workers, the migrants, the indigenous peoples, and, to a large extent, the women who live at the intersection of multiple social identities.

  1. Self-care is not the same for everyone

The pandemic makes visible the precariousness and fragility of housing conditions for lower-income people, in inadequate homes or shared living arrangements, without the ability to isolate, or under poor hygienic conditions[1]. Millions of poor and low-income inhabitants are forced by inadequate housing policies into overcrowded spaces and denied access to basic services.  Starting now, we must devise and develop strategies to protect those who do not have a safe place for self-care: people who live in precarious settlements that are also victimized by a strange multiplication of aggressions and fires; those that pay abusive rent; people living on the street, immigrants. In short, those who are forced to tell themselves every day: “If I don’t go out and work, I don’t eat; nor can I pay my rent or utilities,  I could be evicted, or have my water or light turned off.” Similarly, rural communities also face multiple challenges, as, for instance health and social services are often scarce, both in infrastructure and staffing. To date, although there have been fewer cases of contagion in rural areas, if they begin to multiply, the consequences could be serious. To protect themselves, many rural communities have blocked roads to avoid incoming contagion, affecting their production economies, as they can no longer go out and sell their produce.

Violence against women increases in situations of confinement and crisis; rising reports of gender violence are testimony of this situation.  This includes not just violence against women who are shut in with their abusers, but also against children and the elderly. We must also remember that women are the caretakers of humanity, in their homes, their neighborhoods and wider society.  They represent the majority of sanitary personnel and informal workers; in the more precarious neighborhoods, they are key caregivers, they are the ones who operate soup kitchens and manage community activities. At home, they support the education of their children, feed their families, procure water and more, while preserving emotional balance.

Many of the preventive measures—as necessary as they may be to contain the virus’ propagation—widen the gap between those who can and those who cannot adopt them. For example, in many countries schools are closed and teaching is taking place online; but in lower-income countries only 20% of people have access to the Internet.  A similar reality applies to other indicators, like the number of hospital beds, or social security system. Only 22% of the world’s jobless receive assistance, and this excludes people who are underemployed or precariously employed. Furthermore, many countries rely on the use of big data as a security measure, compiling and analyzing personal data through electronic media, or have sent their armed forces out into the street to enforce social isolation and curfews.

This is a contradictory moment in history: we are presented with both threats and opportunities.  Let’s assume the possibility of rethinking habitat rights and conditions of life, recognize the value of the human scale of our territories, of diversified means of production and dignified livelihoods and their relationship with the habitat and public health and education systems.

  1. No more lost decades

In an interview published in early April 2020, the Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) declared that COVID-19 threatens to impose two decades of lost progress on many countries. Latin America and the Caribbean already know what it means to go through a “lost decade”—it’s not just turning the clock back ten years, but mortgaging the lives and opportunities of entire generations, risking further erosion of public and universal health, education, housing, services, employment and social protection systems.  Also in early April—at a time in which the impact of the pandemic was only beginning to be felt in many regions—The Secretary-General of the United Nations estimated the need to mobilize an international assistance plan equivalent to 10% or more of global GDP (more than 2 trillion dollars). To date, however, international and regional efforts on this front are still marginal, and they must be broadened and thought of as the equivalent of a Marshall Plan for reconstruction.

The combination of public health crisis and economic paralysis has fallen hard upon the working and excluded majorities. We know that it will worsen poverty and joblessness.  Progress toward the sustainable development goals, SDG 2030, will fall far afield of those targets. Now more than ever, we must oppose the traditional recipes of capital; overcoming the crisis must not depend on financial flows in support of and under the control of private interests or speculators.  Hunger is inacceptable.

  1. Learning from the past to build a different present and future

The pandemic may be seized by some as a pretext for reinforcing authoritarianism and accumulation by dispossession, relying on old racist, patriarchal, colonialist and neoliberal tropes that fan the flames of individualism, indifference, hate and fear. But the crisis has also proven the collective capacity of critical thought and action of the people.  This is particularly evident in self-built settlements, cooperative processes, and the everyday application of the principles of social production and management of habitat.  These are the historical practices of survival and solidarity embedded in struggles for land, housing, basic services, public transport, education and health, which must be recognized and supported.  The current challenge is to recognize and support these collective capacities and hold decision-making entities responsible for the process.

The reinforcement of deepening inequalities calls for the urgent need to strengthen the State’s role as guarantor of rights.  The basic function of fiscal policy becomes crucial in ensuring there are sufficient resources to respond to the crisis; this is especially true in regions characterized by regressive tax systems that benefit the rich, to the detriment of the poor and most vulnerable. The effects of this crisis must be mitigated through the adoption of redistributive tax policies that guarantee sufficient, deep-rooted and structural social protection, financed through progressive reforms to tax systems.

We propose and demand immediate life-centered political decisions that empower the collective management of common goods, and the role and responsibility of the State to guarantee everyone’s rights to habitat and the common good; which recognize women’s contribution to caregiving tasks, the preservation of the planet and the full exercise of all human rights for everyone.  Let us recall the lessons learned from other crises of the past century and the start of this one. Let us recognize the wealth of community practices and advocate for policies that stop the commodification of land, housing, water, health and education—in short, the commodification of life.  To do so, we propose three key lines of action to advance toward a socially and environmentally just future:

Toward a profound redistribution

This is above all an effort to redirect the economy to protect the life and habitat of everyone.  This is not a task to be addressed by short-term, emergency responses, but structural measures, which requires:

  • Mobilizing international support in the form of aid—not loans—to programs that benefit habitat and dwelling, to directly benefit the neediest communities and sectors. This requires a level of funding commensurate with the real needs that arise from the direct and indirect impacts of the crisis.
  • Enforce the social function of property and land, both in rural and urban areas, and protect the environment as common heritage of all generations.
  • Incorporate constitutional amendments that guarantee the right to adequate housing for all, particularly the most vulnerable, avoid evictions and redefine interest rates, debt repayment terms, mortgage loans and rents.
  • Have government agencies promote effective policies and programs to access land, dignified housing conditions and adequate basic services, supporting neighborhood improvement programs in a sustained and substantial manner.
  • Clarify and strengthen the relationship between the right to adequate housing and health, supporting immediate improvements in habitability conditions and other budget measures to combat COVID.
  • Cease the privatization of public lands and goods, as well as public-private partnership initiatives that privatize profits and rob the people of their resources and rights.
  • Promote fiscal reforms that correct the deficits caused by insufficient tax revenues and strengthen a more progressive tax system, particularly in relation to capital and property taxes. This includes taxing unoccupied buildings or using them to ease overcrowding among other measures to redeployed underused infrastructure and to build land and housing banks.
  • Raise taxes on the profits of major corporations and booming industries, like the digital economy, insurance companies and pharmaceuticals, who are reaping extraordinary gains, and from the financial sector in general. Eliminate tax privileges and unnecessary tax benefits for the better off and promote effective policies against tax evasion and avoidance in order to strengthen redistributive policies.
  • Evaluate the reallocation of budget spending in lower-priority sectors – such as military spending – and reinforce public spending on housing and other urgent areas that are fundamental for social protection and to reactivate the economy.

Recognition: different but equal

Redistribution depends on the recognition of differences and invisibilities: if you are invisible, you are not eligible for any redistributive exercise, whether contingent or structural. For this reason, we believe the following measures are urgently needed, many of which should be adopted by government agencies:

  • Protect our rights and opportunities to dignified habitat and dwelling regardless of gender, sexual orientation, class, age, ethnicity, religion, physical or mental ability, while recognizing the role of multiple social identities that are often taken as grounds for discrimination, stigmatism and marginalization.
  • Value and actively support the multiple experiences that exist in the social production and management of habitat, cooperativism and self-built efforts, explicitly including indigenous people, while also valuing the tasks of caretaking and social reproduction that women perform primarily at every scale.
  • Recognize the value of solidary economies and support them in legal, regulatory and financial terms.
  • Recognize and value of bio-cultural diversity and the wisdom and knowledge of various regions, as the basis for the design of appropriate, relevant and non-hegemonic actions.
  • Promote reciprocal relationships of development between rural, suburban and urban areas, locating and shortening the chains of food production and distribution, energy and water supply, as well as the management and recovery of solid waste as a resource.

Parity in political participation

This means extending, on various scales, mechanisms for direct democratic participation without regard to gender, sexual orientation, class, age, ethnicity, religion, physical or mental ability.

  • Actively combat authoritarian, clientelism, patriarchal and discriminatory relations among citizens and between the citizens and the State.
  • Guarantee the equality of all immigrants as subjects with rights.
  • Extend processes of decentralization and municipal autonomy as well as mechanisms of direct participation of citizens in the allocation and execution of government spending.
  • Guarantee access to social, economic, technical and legal assistance required to transform habitat together with the inhabitants.
  • Actively combat patriarchal and authoritarian practices that promote and sustain gender inequity, to broaden spaces for the participation and voices of women in decision-making.

We need new forms of (re)distribution, recognition and parity in political participation in order to protect the collective construction of life, habitat and dwelling. A safe place where we can all live in peace and dignity is possible!


[1] See the HIC-AL Declaration on Precarious Settlements in Spanish.

To support this manifesto, please add your name, organization and country here:


Thanks for adding your voice to make this Manifesto loud!



María Bernabela Pelli Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Vivienda FAU UNNE Argentina
Graciela Maiztegui SEHAS Argentina
Graciela Maiztegui Servicio habitacional y de acción social . SEHAS Argentina
Julio Cesar Clavijo SEDECA Secretariado de Enlace de Comunidades Autogestionarias Argentina
Omar Reggiani As. Civil UN TECHO para mí Hermano Argentina
Anelise Melendez Lundgren RED HABITAT Bolivia
Jaime Erazo Red Universitaria de Estudios Urbanos de Ecuador (CIVITIC) Ecuador
Marie Pompei Chile
Jorge Salomon Chida Mexico
Josef Schulte-Sasse Mexico
Ana Sugranyes Ciudad Común Chile
Angel Berna Gil Asociacion para el Mejoramiento Habitacional de Guatemala MEJORHA Guatemala
Angel Berna Gil Guatemala
Javiera Martínez Henríquez Ciudad Común Corporación Chile
Claudia María Blanco Alfaro FUNDASAL EL SALVADOR
Luis Angel D’Elia Federación de Tierra Vivienda y Habitat Argentina
Ron Spreekmeester the Netherlands
Tatiana Cruz El Salvador
Pedro Pírez CONICET-UBA Argentina
Gustavo Riofrío B. Perú
J Moring UK
Alejandra Delgado Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
Gloria Isabel Gómez Turcios FUNDASAL El Salvador
Carmen María Oviedo Solano Personal El Salvador
Tatiana Juarez FUNDASAL El Salvador
María Luisa de Martínez. Asociación CINDE para el desarrollo infantil y promoción humana. El Salvador.
Jai Sen Canada and India
Ramiro García DESCO – Programa Urbano Perú
EVANIZA LOPES RODRIGUES União Nacional por Moradia Popular Brasil
Ernesto Jiménez Olin Unión Popular Valle Gómez México
Nery R. Villatoro Robledo Guatemala
Israel Santos Jacome Mexico
Julio Eduardo Meléndez Fundasal El Salvador
Claudia María Blanco Alfaro FUNDASAL El Salvador
Jim Gurnett Canada
Yeny Andrea Márquez Echeverría Chile
Alan Andrés Silva Bugueño Chile
Paz Walker Fernandez Chile
Paz Walker Fernandez Chile
José Luis Martínez Monroy PRESAC Mexico
Bea Varnai urbaMonde France
Adriana Allen Habitat International Coalition (HIC) United Kingdom
Carlos Fidel Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Argentina
Facundo Di Filippo Ceapi Argentina
Maya Alvarado Chávez Asociación Feminista La Cuerda Guatemala
Maya Alvarado Chávez Asociación Feminista La Cuerda Guatemala
Juan Andres Pérez Pérez Asamblea de Barrios, la Raza. México.
Carlos Aguirre Ciudad Comun Chile
Sandra Gutiérrez Poizat Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, UCA El Salvador
Cátedra Práctica Profesional Asistida en Hábitat Popular FAUD UNC Argentina
Luz estremadoyro Rendon Perú, Lima
Assumpta Sugranyes Suisse
Fernando Toro Ciudad Común Chile
Rosa Torras Conangla Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México México
Favaro Andrea Italia
Antonio Alejo Lopez Colectivo discapacidad, vivienda e inclusión Me’xico Ciudad de M’exico
Alicia Novick Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. UNGS Argentina
Juan José Moreno Corporación Ciudad Común Chile
Maria Pérez Carmona CCAT-UCAI CDMX
María Pérez Carmona CCAT-UCAI México
Giulia Sugranyes Labolobo asbl Bélgics
Giulia SUGRANYES Labolobo asbl Belgium
Carolina Moore Ciudad Comun Chile
Marie Huchzermeyer Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies, CUBES, Wits University, Johannesburg South Africa
Prof. Dr. Murat Cemal Yalcintan Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Turkey
Juan Ignacio Latorre Riveros Senador Chile
Alejandro Florian Colombia
Claudia Laub El Agora Argentina
Sandra DL Guatemala
Uprez Institucion Ciudad de México
Carlos Arroyo Perú
Corporación Ciudad Común Chile
Paul Maquey Makedonski Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano CENCA PERÚ Perú
Maria van der Linde Instituto de Salud MSC Cristoforis Deneke ( ISDEN) Perú
María de Lourdes García Vázquez Laboratorio Hábitat Social: participación y género México
maria ignacia jimenez suarez chile
Judith resendiz Gutierrez Mexico
Carol Andres Silva Bugueño Chile
Horacio Aguilera Puppi Fundación Equipo de Arquitectura de Servicios y Acción Social Argentina – tucuman
Mario Andrés Rosas Guerra Chile
José Bengoa Profesor, Escuela de Antrpología, UAHC Chile
Sebastián Oviedo atarraya | taller de arquitectura Ecuador
Fernando Carrion Flacso-Ecuador Ecuador
Pierre Arnold Habitat en Mouvement France
Molvina Zeballos Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo – desco Perú
Rodolfo Jimenez Cavieres Universidad dé Santiago de Chile Chile
Patricia Galvez Cedeal Ecuador
Clara Salazar El Colegio de México México
José Gabriel Castro Garza Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco México
Elvira Maycotte Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez Mexico
Emmanuel Chungu Mizhipa Housing Cooperative Society Zambia
Lucelena Betancur Fundacion Habitat Colombia Colombia
Ange De Villier HIC-MALI MALI
Issa Samandar Popular development center Palestine
Antonio Melo Montero España
Dr Uri Davis Palestinian Movement for National Liberation/FATEH Palestine
Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action India
Jorgelina Argentina
Alberto Farías Argentina
Daniela Osorio Olave UNAM México
Mongi Chniter ASPAE de Boughrara-Tunisie Tunisie
María Beatriz Valencia Argentina
Comité de Hábitat y vivienda Colegio de arquitectos de Chile Chile
Marco Rodríguez Colegio de arquitectos de Chile Chile
Paola Ruano/Angel Berna Federación de Asociaciones Civiles y Organizaciones para el Desarrollo del Hábitat Popular Guatemala
Daniel Sepúlveda Voullieme Colegio de Arquitectos Chile
Paola Ruano/Ángel Berna Gil Federación de Asociaciones Civiles y Organizaciones para el Desarrollo del Hábitat Popular Guatemala
Marcela Palma Salamanca Chile
Clara Jusidman Centro Tepoztlán AC Mexico
Carlos Arturo CADAVID VALDERRAMA Colombia
Edgar Alvarez Plataforma Urbana Guatemala Guatemala
Leticia Peña Barrera Gente a favor de gente, AC México
Carlos Uberto Vázquez Ríos Gente a favor de gente AC México
Beatriz Pedro Taller libre de proyecto social/FADU/UBA Argentina
Taller Libre de Proyecto Social www.tlps.com.ar FADU/UBA Argentina
Crítica Urbana Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales Chile – España
Rayo Angulo Centro Tepoztlan México
Carlos Lavore Fundación para la Democracia México
Victor Ismael Pereira Gonzalez Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Arte – Universidad Nacional de Asunción- Catedra Optativa Vivienda Cooperativa Paraguay
Daniel NONZE ASSOAL Cameroun
Celsa Parrau Comisión DDHH Colegio de Enfermeras de Chile Chile
Vicente Guzmán Ríos UAM México
Eike Schütz Alemania
Mbarga biloa Cameroun
Eduardo Alfredo Rodríguez Candelario FUNDASAL El Salvador
Maria Luisa Cabrera Pérez Armiñan Consultora independiente Guatemala
Maria Galaz Mexico
Guisella León Torres Centro de Estudios Urbano Sociales Perú
EduardonCardoza Movimiento Acción Migrante Chile
CAJ – Comité de Arquitectos y Arquitectas Jóvenes Comité de Arquitectos y Arquitectos Jóveneces del Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile. Chile
René Coulomb Universidad de las Américas Ciudad de México Mexico
María Emilia Herrasti Aguirre Ciudad y Patrimonio AC Mexico
David Quezada Siles Red Hábitat -Taller de Proyectos e Investigación del Habitar Urbano y Rural Bolivia
María Bernabela Pelli Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Vivienda- Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la UNNE Argentina
Elizabeth Garduza Flota México
Aída Sofía Sanabria Duarte UCA El Salvador El Salvador
Giulia SUGRANYES Labolobo asbl Belgium
wardah hafidz urban poor consortium (UPC) Indonesia
Hemsing Hurrynag DION (CSO of Small Islands) Mauritius
Leda Doat Argentina
Rosa María Bulnes Chile
César Yáñez Universidad de Valparaíso Chile
Arturo Velázquez Jiménez SPATIUM LIBERTAS A.C. México
Cihan Uzuncarsili Baysal Istanbul Urban Defense Turkey
Franck Olivier Kouamé HUMANITAS SOLIDARIS Cameroun
Jorge Serrano Mundaca Chile
Ana Pastor Madre Tierra – Asociación Civil Argentina
Bruno Rivadavia Equipo interdisciplinario de estudios sobre hábitat y vivienda Uruguay
Alejandro Tapia Mendoza Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana México
Alejandro Florian Colombia
Gabriela Araya Piña Arquitecto Chile
Carmen Casanova Chile
Mauricio Navarro Alvarenga El Salvador
Manuel Alejandro Neculñir Vera Chile
Elena Stephens El Barrio Que Queremos Chile
Héctor Alexander Barahona Fundasal El Salvador
Unión de Colonias Populares del Valle de México Suscribimos comunicado como la voz de los olvidados de siempre, aquellos que no figuran en los análisis y perspectivas para superar los estragos de la pandemia Covid 19, necesitamos visibilizar la realidad de millones de mexicanos que no están fortaleciendo valores, vida en familia, que su preocupación por sobrevivir se ha acrecentado, que demanda con urgencia ser escuchado y que de brinden alternativas accesibles e inmediatas, demandamos que los gobiernos y estados dirijan a éstos sectores sus mayores esfuerzos. México
Periferia aisbl Periferia aisbl Belgique
Peter Slits Independant consultant Netherlands
Maria Blender Chile
TANGA NOMO Eugénie Mireille ASSOAL ( Association des Amoureux du Livre) Cameroun
Mónica Bustos Peñafiel Instituto d ela Vivienda. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad de Chile. Chile
Elizabeth Garduza Flota México
Daniela Guadalupe Rivas Juárez El Salvador
Virginia Miranda Gassull CONICET-UNCUYO Argentina
Marlene Ortiz Symor MÉXICO
Kalycho Escoffié Duarte Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey México
AZZABI ADEL Association des habitants d elmourouj2 Tunis TUNISIA
Carmen Contreras Perspectivas IG Mexico
Jose Atenco Vidal. Union Vicente Guerrero A. C. Mexico
Braima Koroma Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre Sierra Leone
Braima Koroma Njala University Sierra Leone
Braima Koroma Njala University Sierra Leone
Maria Carla Rodriguez Federacion de Cooperativas Autogestionarias MOI ARGENTINA
Ivahanna Larrosa CIEDUR (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Desarrollo- Uruguay) Uruguay
Joan Mac Donald Chile
sebastian torres Zegarra ONG Perú
Daniela Lemus Silva Mexico
José Carlos lopez pulido México
Elizabeth Andrade Huaringa Colectividad Peruana en Antofagasta Chile
Juan Pablo Duhalde Techo Internacional Regional
James Tayler Know Your City TV powered by SDI South Africa
James Tayler KYC.TV South Africa
Yamile Deriche Redondo Cieric Cuba
Sabina Chambi Callo Perú
Sabina Chambi Callo Perú
Marco Bazan Novoa terre des hommes peru
Rodrigo Rama Uruguay
Maria del Huerto Delgado Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay Uruguay
Isadora Hastings Garcia Cooperación Comunitaria AC Mexico
Marlene Quintero Individual Colombia
Alfredo Rodríguez Arranz SUR Estudios Sociales y Educación Chile
Juan Carlos Galindo Olivares Red para el Desarrollo Social Local, A. C. México
Lorena Zarate Canada
Aidee Stephanie Jimenez Avila México
veronica Greppi AVE Argentina
Belén Gesto Barroso ICHaB-ETSAM (Grupo de Cooperación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) España
JESUS QUISPE ROMERO Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano CENCA PERÚ
JESUS QUISPE ROMERO Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano CENCA PERÚ
Andrés Loza Armand Ugon UMSS Bolivia
Miguel Cavero Velaochaga Inmobilex Perú
Maritza Idrobo Centro de Investigaciones Ciudad Ecuador
luz angelica medina gonzales Conamovidi Perú
Diana Miloslavich Tupac Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristan/Red Mujer y Habitat Peru Peru
Ural Espinoza Nicaragua
José Manuyama Ahuite Perú
Irma Elvira Ganoza Macchiavello CPM Micaela Bastidas Peru
Irma Elvira Ganoza Macchiavello Peru
Rocio Palomino Perú
Thelma Milagros Herrera de la Cruz AMARC Perú
Elianee Yolanda Vargas Villalobos Perú
Samuel Yáñez Torres CIDAP Perú
Jose Mendoza Hernandez INDES. La Libertad. Perú. Perú
Alejandro Florian Colombia
Ramiro García DESCO – Programa Urbano Perú
Tomás Ezequiel Correa Rodríguez Centro de Estudios del Hábitat y los Asentamientos Humanos Panamá
Roberto Fortunato Román Flores UPREZ CDMX
Roberto Fortunato Román Flores UPREZ CDMX
Andrew Maki Justice & Empowerment Initiatives (JEI) Nigeria
Marcelo Waschl Misereor Alemania
Paula Fernández DINAGUA (Dirección Nacional de Aguas) de MVOTMA (Ministerio de vivienda, ordenamiento territorial y medio ambiente) Uruguay
Lucoa Vivero Correa Seminario PAA -FA- UNAM Mexico
Zoila Quintanilla Chavira México
Florencia Hastings México
Alejandro Florian Colombia
Fui Amevor Amevor Consulting UK
Christian Rodriguez Uruguay
Yesenia Morales Sibaja Fundación Promotora de Vivienda Costa Rica
Vouillez Andrés Arnoldo F.T.V – Federación de Tierra, Vivienda y Hábitat y M.S.I(Movimiento Solidario Independiente) Argentina
Nora Alejandra Flores Organización FTV-MILES CABA PRODUCTORA DE HÁBITAT Argentina CABA
Gaston Atilio Beltran Argentina
Ángel Berna Asociacion para el Mejorramiento Habitacional de Guatemala -MEJORHA- Guatemala
Facundo Di Filippo Centro de Estudios y Acción por la Igualdad Argentina
Tu Techo Mexicano de Occidente A.C. Tu Techo Mexicano de Occidente A.C. México
Gerardo Monroy Castillero Tu Techo Mexicano de Occidente. A.C. México
Elsa Marcela Rodríguez SERVIPROH- Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina
Muguro David Ngige Dajopen Waste Management Kenya
Olivier Zimmermann Switzerland
Ana Falú CISCSA Argentina
Ramiro García DESCO – Programa Urbano Perú
Mara Nazar CISCSA Argentina
Paola Blanes CISCSA Argentina
Soledad Pérez CISCSA Argentina
Isabel Pascual Global Platform for the Right to the City Spain
Isabel Pascual Díaz Spain
Malick Gaye ENDA RUP Senegal
Malick Gaye ENDA RUP Senegal
Muguro David Ngige Dajopen waste management Kenya
Muguro David Ngige Dajopen waste management Kenya
Lucio Scardino Asociación de Vivienda Económica Argentina
Anelise Melendez Lundgren Red Habitat Bolivia
Dr Susan Power Al-Haq State of Palestine
Nahuel Emiliano Martín Mosquera Argentina
liliana maría carbajal argentina
Federico Antonio BERNÁ VACCARINO INAHE (Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía – CCT Conicet Mendoza) Argentina
Observatori DESC Observatori DESC España
Marie Pompei Chile
guillermo marzioni Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche Argentina
Jamal Talab Land Research Center Palestine
Olivier Zimmermann Suisse
Pedro Capossiello Facultad de Ciencias Sociales UBA Argentina
Sandra Gallo CANOA-HÁBITAT POPULAR Argentina
Oluwatoyin Towobola Women Protection Organisation (WOPO) Nigeria
Carlos Andrés Vargas Vanegas Parchemos por Antioquia Colombia
Néstor Eduardo Taboada DVD (Derecho a la Vivienda Digna ) Argentina
Alicia Malmod Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Argentina
karina franco villaseñor México
Alvaro Puertas Spain
Sandra Ferreyra Madre Tierra Argentina
Antonio Delgado FOTIVBA Foro de Organizaciones de Tierra Infraestructura y Vivienda de la PBA Argentina
Ana María Barousse Consejo de Hábitat PBA Argentina
Ana Pastor Colectivo Habitat Pcia. Bs As. Argentina
Léa Oswald UrbaMonde Suiza y Francia
Maria Carolina Rodríguez Asociación civil Canoa Argentina
Deysi Oropeza Habitat para la Humanidad Bolivia Bolivia
Isabel Zerboni FUCVAM Uruguay
Jacquelinne Romero Habitat para la Humanidad Bolivia Bolivia
Rosario Fassina Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ) Argentina
Edith Torrico Vallejos Hábitat para la Humanidad Bolivia Bolivia
Graciela Maiztegui SEHAS Servicio Habitacional y de Acción Social Argentina
Graciela Maiztegui SEHAS Argentina
Carlos Mario Yory Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia
Moira Vargas Fundación Construir Bolivia
José Antonio Mangini Sánchez Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoría Poblacional – CIDAP Perú
José Antonio Mangini Sánchez Perú
Lorena Zarate Canada
SILVIA DE LOS RIOS Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoría Poblacional (CIDAP) Perú
Silvia de los Ríos Perú
maria guillermina greco Argentina
Patricia Urquieta Posgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (CIDES-UMSA) Bolivia
Heidy Cristina Gómez R. Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
Graciela Landaeta Fundación PROCASHA Boluvia
Jancarla Aleida Loayza Medina Fundación Pro Hábitat Bolivia
Flor de Maria Macedo Depaz Asociación de vivienda Tambo Huánuco Perú
Escarlem Rodriguez Tapia Hábitat para la Humanidad Bolivia Bolivia
Alicia Alcaraz HABITAR Argentina Argentina
Ricardo De Francesco PROYECTO HABITAR Argentina
Rocio Jim€nez B Colombia
Facundo Di Filippo Centro de Estrategias y acción por al Igualdad Argentina
Ricardo De Francesco Proyecto Habitar Argentina
Lucía Valenzuela Centro de Apoyo Mejoremos México
Benedito Roberto Barbosa Central de Movimentos Populares SP BRASIL
Rodrigo Faria G. Iacovini Instituto Pólis Brasil
Anelise Melendez Lundgren Red Habitat Bolivia
Eliezer Fernandez Rojas Asociacion Inquilinos Universitarios Tarija Bolivia
Evaniza Rodrigues Uniao dos Movimentos de Moradia de São Paulo Brasil
Daniel Martin Guzmán Castillo Profesional independiente Bolivia
Walter Augusto Cesti Rpssel Asociación de Vivienda la Estrella de la Inmaculada C Peru
Juan Cabrera UPB Bolivia
Carlos Giraldo Huaman Junta Vecinal Martinetti Peru
Luis Alberto Márquez Cooperativa Palo Alto México
Esperanza Esparza Mesa de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua CHICOACE CALLI México
Luis Alberto Márquez México
María Cecilia Chacón Rendón Instituto Boliviano de Urbanismo Bolivia
Ernesto Jiménez Olin Unión Popular Valle Gómez México
Luis A. Márquez Coordinadora Centroamericana Autogestionaria de la Vivienda Solidaria Centroamérica y México
Solange Cervera PASTORAL DA MORADIA Brasil
Ana Sugranyes Ciudad Común Chile
Teresita Sacon Proyecto Habitar Argentina
Ana Pastor HABITAR ARGENTINA Argentina
Daniel Molina COLECTIVO HABITAT PBA Argentina
Gabriel Nosetto FOTIVBA Foro de Orgas de Tierra Infra y Vivienda de PBA Argentina
Ana Pastor Madre Tierra (HIC) Argentina
Ramón Fratti Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua FUCVAM Uruguay
VILMA TIBURCIO HUANUCO Asociacion de inquilinos de la MML PERU
María Bernabela Pelli Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Vivienda – FAU – UNNE Argentina
José Guillermo Bazoberry Chali UNIVERSIDAD MAYOR DE SAN SIMÓN (Docente) Bolivia
José Guillermo Bazoberry Chali FUNDACIÓN PRO-HÁBITAT Bolivia
Jorge Mora Federacion de Tierra, Vivienda y Habitat de Argentina Argentina
Pierre Arnold urbaMonde Francia
Marina Thi ASOCND Argentina
Rodrigo Faria G. Iacovini Instituto Pólis Brasil
Carlos Estrada Casarin Ocupa Tu Ciudad A.C. México
Alfredo Ramírez Villar Movimiento Autónomo Zapatista (MAZ) México
Carlos Estrada Casarín ITESO – PAP RSEP México
ADRIANA GRANDA Universitat de Barcelona Ecuador
Lucio Scardino Asociación de Vivienda Económica Argentina
Carmen González Costa Rica
Juan Andrés Pérez Pérez Asamblea de Barrios la Raza. México
Manuel Morales Alpízar Laboratorio de Ciudad y Territorio, Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica
Lisberth Esther Vargas Pérez Institución Bolivia
Fernando Carrion Flacso Ecuador Ecuador
EVANIZA LOPES RODRIGUES União Nacional por Moradia Popular Brasil
Tania Nava Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Bolivia Bolivia
Rosa Maria Soto Raez Vecinos Organizados del Centro Historico de Lima Peru
Ana Maria Vargas CEPROSI La PazBolivia
Alfredo Ramírez Villar Movimiento Autónomo Zapatista (MAZ) Ciudad de México
Gloria Rua Centro F. Victoria Bolivia
Jesús Huamani Morales Perú
Claudia Blanco Fundasal El Salvador
Maria Pérez Carmona Organización social C.C.A.T-U.C.A.I Mexico
Daniela Lemus Silva CCAT-UCAI Mexico
José Carlos López Pulido CCAT-UCAI México
Carmen María Oviedo Solano FUNDASAL El Salvador
Alejandra Orellana Nuila FUNDASAL El Salvador
Asdruwal Ramírez FUNDASAL El Salvador
Asdruwal Ramírez FUNDASAL El Salvador
Alejandra Marcela Membreño Martínez FUNDASAL El Salvador
Tatiana Juárez FUNDASAL El Salvador
Ernesto Jiménez Olin LUCHEMOS México
Sonia Elizabeth Jiménez Claros Universidad Mayor de San Simón UMSS Bolivia
Instituto de Investigación y Acción para el Desarrollo Integral (IIADI) Instituto de Investigación y Acción para el Desarrollo Integral (IIADI) Bolivia
Instituto de Investigación y Acción para el Desarrollo Integral (IIADI) Instituto de Investigación y Acción para el Desarrollo Integral (IIADI) Bolivia
Gilma Zulema Rico FUNDASAL El Salvador
Carla Recinos Fundasal Francia
Julieta Espinosa Lew Espagne
Javiera Martínez Henríquez Ciudad Común Chile
Ciudad Común Corporación Ciudad Común Corporación Chile
Alfredo Rodriguez SUR Centro de Estudios Sociales y Educación Chile
Alfredo Rodriguez SUR Centro de Estudios Sociales y Educación Chile
Lucía Valenzuela Centro de Apoyo Mejoremos México
Francisca Cancino Contreras Ciudad Común Chile
Patricia Gómez de Jesús Ciudad Alternativa República Dominicana
María Luisa Folgado Martí República Dominicana
Ricardo González Camacho Ciudad Alternativa República Dominicana
Esther Botero Escobar Movimiento Político Estamos Listas Colombia
Carmen María Reynoso Báez República Dominicana
Carlos Estrada Casarín ITESO – PAP RSEP México
Pablo Juica Yantén Ciudad Común Chile
Salomón Morales FUNDASAL El Salvador
Alma Rivera Fundasal El Salvador
Edgar Alexander Renderos Pineda UCA El Salvador El Salvador
Wendy García FUNDASAL El Salvador
Julia Basilia Pipa Carhuapoma. personal. Perú.
José Aguirre Déleg Colectivo Cuenca Ciudad para Vivir Ecuador
Francisco Acatzin Espinosa Müller Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM México
Carolina Solis Morales UNAM México
Lucas Giono Taller Libre de Proyecto Social, FADU, UBA Argentina
Denis Isabella pando Moi Argentina
Leticia del Rosario Martínez FUNDASAL El Salvador
Sueli machado Movimento de Defesa do Favelado regiao episcopal belem Brasil
América Flores Rodríguez México
Minerva Cuevas México
Marlene Margarita Monforte Navarro Asociación de vivienda Virgen del Carmen del Quinto Patio Peru
Ana Cristina Benalcázar Aprendizaje en Movimiento Ecuador
Jaime Fabián Erazo Espinosa Red Universitaria de Estudios Urbanos de Ecuador (CIVITIC) / Centro Andino de Acción Popular (CAAP) Ecuador
Elizabeth Garduza Flota Acción Diseño México
Gabriel Reyes UAM México
Jose Luis Mancisidor Altuna Coordindora de asociacion de vivienda Rimac Peru
Pablo Juica Yantén Ciudad Común Chile
Verónica Briseño Castrejón SAPL Universidad de Calgary Canadá
Verónica Briseño Castrejón Aula Verde A.C. México
Omar Reggiani As Civil UN TECHO para mí Hermano Argentina
Ćazim Lisičić Montenegro
Sarah Metais RENASEH Bolivia
Vanessa Pinto Fundación Somos Ecuador Ecuador
Javier Alvarado Sevilla Confederación Nacional de Barrios del Ecuador Ecuador
Adriana Allen Habitat International Coalition and UCL Development Planning Unit United Kingdom
Monica Davila Jarrin Contrato Social por la Vivienda Ecuador Ecuador
Lucía Ruiz Contrato Social por la Vivienda Ecuador
Henrique Botelho Frota Instituto Pólis Brasil
Jorge Kayano Instituto Pólis Brasil
Hilary Zhou Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement Zimbabwe
Ana Nuñez Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Argentina
Saadiyah Hassoon Together to protect Human & Environment Association Iraq
Rodríguez Elsa Marcela Servicio en Promoción Humana – SERVIPROH – Seminario de Hábitat Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina
Elizabeth Sedano México
Liliana Peralta Tellez México
Alexandre Apsan Frediani Internation Institute for Environment and Development United Kingdom
Silvia Matuk GEODOMUS Francia
Yasser Abdel Qader Housing and Land Rights Network Egypt