The 2011 Global Habitat Days Campaign “Resistances and Alternatives for the Right to Habitat”is our opportunity to raise awareness about and rally against forced evictions, insecurity of tenure and land grabbing, in solidarity with inhabitants’ organizations and victimized activists that defend the right to habitat.
We are inviting you to contribute to the development of the Global Solidarity Map, created specifically for this Campaign, by submitting cases of violations or resistances around the world. Our goal is to establish solidarity links with inhabitants’ organizations and communities affected by violations to the right to habitat, as well as with activists and groups that have been persecuted because of their work against forced evictions and land grabbing.
There are 3 ways cases can be added to the map, simply:
- Fill out this form
- Send a Tweet with links to the hashtag #WHD2011
- Send an email to with complete details
To view the map of cases, visit