Training Session on the Right to the City at High Level Political Forum.

In the framwork of the High Level Political Forum and following the event: "Cities and the Global Agenda: On the Road to the U20 in Buenos Aires”, The New School and the Global Platform to the Right to the City will hold a trainning session on the Right to the City.

Public Event in New York: Right to the City

Join the international activists from the Global Platform for the Right to the City for a conversation on building a global movement for housing as a human right.

Slums: New Visions for an Enduring Global Phenomenon

A symposium being held at Harvard University from September 20-22, 2018 that will challenge participants to discuss the range of perceptions and systemic changes needed to re-imagine integrative urban and social landscapes, as well as the labor and land markets that most often underpin the formation of slums.

International Meeting for Equal Cities

In face of U20, social organizations, grassroots movements, civil society networks, academics and local authorities committed to equality, human rights and sustainability, we propose to show the other faces and the other voices of our cities. We want to address the root causes that generate impoverishment, exclusion and inequality and exchange experiences of resistance and transformative proposals from neighbourhoods and urban groups.