Al-Haq International Law Summer School

Al-Haq International Law Summer School

The summer school aims to assist post-graduates and professionals develop a coherent
understanding of the legal and human rights situation in the OPT with an applicable
approach. The summer school offers lectures by human rights professionals and group
discussions on key human rights issues and trends in violations witnessed in the OPT.

Vacancy: Program Officer at HIC-HLRN

Vacancy: Program Officer at HIC-HLRN

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is an international collective of civil society organizations, social movements and individuals that mobilizes and advocates, defends and promotes the full implementation and enforceability of the human rights of homeless, evicted, displaced, landless and inadequately housed people and communities, including those under occupation, in urban and rural areas.

Enough is Enough: 95 civil society organizations call on the Human Rights Council to urgently launch a ‘Commission of Inquiry’ to investigate violence against protesters in Palestine

Enough is Enough: 95 civil society organizations call on the Human Rights Council to urgently launch a ‘Commission of Inquiry’ to investigate violence against protesters in Palestine

In light of the recent mass killing of civilians in occupied Palestine, the undersigned 95 organizations call on the UN Human Rights Council to urgently launch an independent investigation into violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory, occurring in the context of the “March of Great Return” and Nakba protests.