March for our lives

On behalf of the Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights (PPEHRC), we invite you to join us in our March to Fulfill the Dream, beginning in New Orleans on April 4, 2010 and ending in Detroit on June 21, 2010 at the U.S. Social Forum.   PPEHRC will be marching and caravanning from the southbelt to the rustbelt to highlight and support action on the issues of poverty both locally and nationally. 

Beginning in New Orleans, the March to Fulfill the Dream will travel from the eye of Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, to Detroit, the eye of the economic storm – where decades of abandonment throughout the region by industry and government, have left hundreds of thousands unemployed, homeless and hungry, and without basic needs such as heat, water and health care.  The march will go through communities in seven states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan.

We invite you to join us at any level with which you choose:
•    Join us for the entire march
•    Join us for a portion of the march, or the times the march goes through your community. 
•    Sponsor someone who is marching
•    Promote or participate in march activities in your community
March activities in communities will include actions, documentation, truth commissions, and arts and culture events in addition to the march itself.

PPEHRC is the country’s first and only domestic human rights organization founded and led by poor people. We have a membership of over 120 groups from over 30 states across the country. Our mission is to unite the poor across color lines as the leadership base for a broad movement to abolish poverty. 

To make the kind of statement and have the impact that we must toward eradicating poverty in the United States we need massive support.  We need your active participation.  We look forward to you joining us in a united voice in the March to Fulfill the Dream calling for an end to poverty in the United States.

To find out more information including the march route, dates and registration forms, please go to our web site at  We will also be posting and sending out more information on possible funding sources too participate in this important event.

Yours in Struggle,

Khalilah Collins        Cheri Honkala
PPEHRC President    National Organizer