HIC convokes the 2012 General Assembly

HIC General Assembly 2012

Tuesday June 19
from 1pm to 5pm

Location: Salón del Sindicato dos Engenheiros do Estado
de Rio de Janeiro, SENGERJ, 
Avenida Rio Branco,
277, 17th floor (in the city centre)

The Habitat
International Coalition (HIC) convokes its annual General Assembly alongside
the People’s Summit at Rio+20 which will take place from June 16-23 in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

We invite all HIC
members who will be attending the People’s Summit to participate in the General

To ensure the
participation of the greatest number of HIC members in the General Assembly and
in light of the difficulties to travel to Rio de Janeiro, we are organizing the
General Assembly in two parts. The second will take place in Naples, Italy, on
September 1, alongside the World Urban Forum (WUF 6).

Agenda for the first part of the General
Assembly meeting:

• Welcome by HIC

• Verification of the

• Approval of the

• Approval of the minutes from the last General Assembly meeting in Dakar, February 2011 (click here to read the minutes).

• HIC evaluation
workshop, a space for members and evaluators to voice their concerns and
proposals to strengthen the HIC global strategy

• Closure

The HIC-General Secretary requests all members
to send their comments and proposals related to this agenda, as well as the
motions they wish to present to the General Assembly, to

For further information regarding HIC at the People’s Summit and Rio+20, please visit the HIC@Rio+20 blog.