Global Call asks for the inclusion of the Right to the City in the NUA

People may live in the same city, but only few can enjoy it fully: a lifetime wasted on long commutes, women fearing dark streets, discriminatory public spaces, scarce green areas, segregated neighborhoods, and profit above life. These violations of our collective Right to the City are the everyday norm for most of the world’s inhabitants and they have gotten worse in the past decades“.

That’s how starts the Globall Call for the inclusion of the Right to the City in the New Urban Agenda.

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International civil society organizations are mobilized to make sure that the Right to the City is duly considered by world leaders at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Urban Sustainable Development – Habitat 3 – since The Right to the City is key point of controversy in the New Urban Agenda, and it has been intensely discussed during international negotiations.

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The campaign is followed by a video entitled “Two world, one city”: a result of a documentary experiment that show and compare different accesses of the Right to the City. Watch the video here.

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The concept of the Right to the City is the result of a bottom-up struggle over decades that consists in the right of all inhabitants, present and future, temporary and permanent, to use, occupy and produce just, inclusive and sustainable cities, villages and settlements, understood as a common good essential to a full and decent life.