Feminising the Urban Struggle: bodies, territories and politics in the female production and reproduction of peripheral spaces

CUBES in partnership with academic institutions from Brazil, Tanzania and the Netherlands, organized the Online International Seminar entitled Feminizing the Urban Struggle: bodies, territories and politics in the female production and reproduction of peripheral spaces.

A three-day international online seminar took place between November 6-8, 2023. It brought together over one hundred scholars and three keynote speakers including HIC President Adriana Allen, to debate critical feminist urban research and explore new epistemologies at the intersection of gender, women’s urban struggles, and the production of peripheral territories.

See here Adriana Allen intervention in English:

In Portuguese:

Hommage à la vie et à l’héritage d’Yves Cabannes

Hommage à la vie et à l’héritage d’Yves Cabannes

Professeur émérite de planification du développement à l'University College London C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous annonçons le décès d'Yves Cabannes, urbaniste visionnaire, militant passionné et collègue apprécié. Yves [...]