“Land and Self-determination” at Human Rights Council 39th session

In the context of the 39th Human Rights Council session and its agenda items 3, 7 and 9, focusing on the rights of indigenous peoples, the right of peoples to self-determination, human rights in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories, and forms of racism and racial discrimination, Habitat International Coalition invites you to attend this event featuring illustrative cases, comparative analysis and participant discussion on the human rights dimensions of land and self-determination.


Mohamed Jalihéna, coordinator, Saharawi Campaign against the Plunder (SCaP), Western Sahara

Mahmoud Abu Rahma, Communications & International Relations Director, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Gaza, Palestine

Moderator: Joseph Schechla, coordinator, Housing and Land Rights Network – Habitat Interna tional Coalition

Organized by Habitat International CoalitionHousing and Land Rights Networkin cooperation with:

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights

Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Saharawi Campaign against the Plunder(SCAP) @SaharaNot4Sale