Invitation to one-day meeting of HIC Europe

Dear friends,

We are calling to a one-day meeting of HIC Europe to be held in Brussels on Saturday, February the 11th, 2006.

As you know, HIC Europe has been without coordination since November 2004. Housing problems in Europe are huge. Therefore we consider any effort to coordinate regional expressions on housing rights, on alternatives and on solidarity is now indispensable. See HIC website for further information about what the Coalition does now in the world The agenda of the meeting is:
1. Identification of priorities to elaborate a regional action plan and urgent points for advocacy at EU levels, i.e., Constitution, REITs, Funds, Bolkestein, “Blue letters” against public housing, homeless and immigrants.
2. Information about the Mission in Spain of the Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing.
3. Information about the Working Group on Privatization/Globalization of Habitat in Europe, i.e., REITs and Equity Funds.
4. ESF Athens (May 2006), i.e., Right to the City, Socially Excluded, Privatization /Globalization.
5. Suggestions for the regional coordination and next meetings, i.e., Frankfurt in March, Athens in May, Essen, INURA in July.
6. Representation of HIC Europe members to HIC Board.
7. Representation of HIC Europe to UN in Vienna.
The meeting will take place at: GSM of Ms Brachman; Boulevard Poincarr 61, 1000 Brussels (bell of “Devos-Brachman”). Tel. +32 476 258434. It is 5 minutes walking from the Station Bruxelles-Midi. See the localization of the meeting at:
The meeting will begin at 11 AM and will go through up to 5 PM. Please confirm your participation to and
Anyway send us your comments and suggestions.

See you soon,
Ana Sugranyes
HIC General Secretary