HIC at Habitat III

The Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, “Habitat III,” will be held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 to 20 October 2016.

Taking advantage of the presence of many Members, Friends and Allies in Quito, HIC will hold various institutional activities, including the Board meeting and the General Assembly meeting. This also represents the perfect occasion to celebrate HIC’s 40th anniversary and review together our common memories and achievements from the last 40 years, fighting for the rights related to Habitat and social justice

In the same way, other HIC members and representatives will participate in the Social Forum in resistance to Habitat IIIFLACSO SeminarPUCE Forum, expositions, launching of publications and in multiple activities inside the Habitat III Conference.

Your participation is essential!

Note: This information will be continuously updated.

More information:

A. HIC’s Activities


Download the agenda of HIC and Alternative Fora activities in pdf format

Please have a look at HIC’s updated calendar of activities here (choose week display).

Hábitat 3 Alternativo Seminar: Conversando sobre ¿La ciudad que ellos Quieren es la que Nosotros Queremos?

Social Forum Resistance to Habitat III’s Agenda


1. HIC General Assembly (Sunday October 16, 9:00 – 14:30)

2. HIC’s 40th Anniversary (Sunday October 16, 15:00 – 18:00)

3. Habitat III Side Event. The New Agenda in light of Human Rights and Habitat II commitments: advances and setbacks(Tuesday October 18, 8:00 – 9:00)

4. Seminario Hábitat 3 Alternativo: Conversando sobre ¿La ciudad que ellos Quieren es la que Nosotros Queremos?(from Monday 17 to Wednesday 20 of October)

5. Global Platform for the Right tot the City’s main events

6. Presentation of the Passerelle Publication: Unveiling to the Right to the City


– World Map of Urban Habitat by Habitat et Participation (Solera Hostel)

-Social Production of Habitat by UrbaMonde, Habitat en Mouvement and HIC (Solera Hostel)

-The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C stand at Habitat III)

-‘Una ciudad para la vida’ materials from Habitat II exposition in 1996(PUCE)

– n’UNDO (Solera Hostel)

– RENASEH (Solera Hostel)

B. Documents

BasHICs document: Restoring Human Rights and Habitat to the Habitat III Process and New Habitat Agenda

Agreed Draft of the New Urban Agenda– 10 September

Habitat III and the Right to the City – Why we need a new urban paradigm, article by Lorena Zárate, HIC’s President