The Kenya Network Of Grassroots Organizations supports and stands in solidarity with all those who fight for justice, the right to housing, equal treatment under the law for all, equal access to opportunities and resources.
During the month of October, in solidarity with the NOVOX, DAL, and AIH, KENGO will have the following events in Nairobi:
Showing films from NOVOX : Thursday October 4, 2007 at People’s Parliament, Jeevanjee
Monday October 14-Wednesday October 17, 2007 : Door to door campaign on housing, water, health and poverty reduction in Mathare, Kibera, Kamukunji and the Mukuru Slums in Nairobi
Wednesday October 17: Edutainment concert at Kibera
Wednesday October 17; Edutainment Concert in Kamukunji
Wednesday October 17: Edutainment Concert in Mathare
Wednesday October 17: Edutainment Concert in Mukuru slums & Baba Dogo
Wednesday October 24, 2007: Showing a film “In 10 days or 10 years” a film about the expropriation of the Quartier Midi in Brussels, and the struggles against the injustice at the University of Nairobi
From October 10, 2007, Eugene Benoit, a member of the Novox network, and a right to housing activist will be in Kenya and several informal talks are being arranged with especially slum networks.
We are glad to be part of the network for the right to housing!