Call to participate in HIC African Events

After aconsultation with HIC Members and Friends regarding the preparations and possible
location for our events in Africa, the following proposals were received (in
alphabetical order):

Afrique Solidarité
A.I.S.E.D. / Dakar, Senegal

Development Workshop – Angola / / Luanda,

Femmes Côte d’Ivoire Expérience / /
Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Mazingira Institute / /
Nairobi, Kenya

Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement / Harare,

All of them expressed their interest to host the
events and have shared useful information. The HIC General Secretariat is very
grateful for these contributions.

The following criteria have been used to assess the
possible locations:

Must count with local support from HIC Members and

Must be reachable for local HIC
Members and Friends and also for those travelling from other African countries;

Should facilitate networking opportunities with other
networks and initiatives;

Should facilitate interaction with local, national,
regional and global bodies;

Should be a major African HUB to facilitate
international travel for those travelling from outside Africa.

After this assessment, we have proposed Nairobi (Kenya) to host the events
since it complies with all the above-mentioned requirements. Nairobi will also
host the coordination meetings of the Global Platform for the Right to the City
which will with an estimated participation of 50 people from different African
countries and other continents. This is a great opportunity for networking and
also for sharing expenses since some of the participants will attend both block
of events, HIC and GPR2C (see proposed schedule below). Nairobi facilitates
interaction with UN Habitat and also with local and national authorities,
thanks to the strong local network of HIC Members and Friends.

These events are hosted by Kenyan HIC Members Mazingira Institute (Davinder Lamba) and Pamoja Trust (Steve Ouma).

This is a first schedule proposal; we expect a very
high participation and we hope that the dates will suit you all:

We invite all HIC members, members and allies to participate in Regional event in Africa, HIC Human Rights Habitat Observatory
and HIC General Assembly.

confirm you participation sending an e-mail to: