Al-Haq International Law Summer School

Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law is pleased to announce its Fifth International Law Summer School for post-graduate law students, legal researchers and professionals in the fields of international law and human rights. The training will take place over two weeks in Ramallah, occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) during the period of 24th June – 8th July 2019. Please click the link for more information on the course.

The International Law Summer School is a highly interactive program in which all
participants are encouraged to be fully engaged. The training methods include lectures,
group exercises and field visits. The working language of the summer school is English. All
participants will receive an electronic file of materials for their reference. Al-Haq’s summer
school is a unique opportunity for internationals interested in the local context, the history
and the future of the OPT and includes field visits to a diversity of communities, giving
participants the chance to hear, firsthand, experiences of witnesses on the ground. 
Al-Haq1 is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organization based
in Ramallah, OPT. Established in 1979, Al-Haq’s mission is to protect and promote human
rights and the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The organization monitors
and documents violations of human rights, conducts legal research; human rights
education; prepares reports, studies and interventions on violations of international human
rights and humanitarian law in the OPT; and undertakes advocacy before local, regional and
international bodies. 
For more information about the AlHaq Center for Applied International Law and the
International Law Summer School:

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