6 Juil 2007 | News & Articles
In Harare, we are beginning to see a slower and legislated version of Operation Murambatsvina, the notorious Operation Drive Out Trash, which drove street traders and shack dwellers out of the city.
29 Mar 2007 | News & Articles
The brutal attack on the leadership of the opposition, civic leaders and individual residents gathered for a prayer meeting organised by the Save Zimbabwe Campaign on Sunday 11 March 2007 by State security agents.
19 Mar 2007 | News & Articles
700.000 people have been evicted in full winter conditions, but the total figure could reach 1.5 million out of a population of around 12 million inhabitants, 300,000 children forced to abandon school. In the first days there were riots which led to the arrest of about 46.000 people and the murder of several, children included.
7 Juil 2005 | News & Articles
These images show the town of Harare, Zimbabwe and the effects of President Robert Mugabe’s “clean-up campaign” that involved the razing of shantytowns to root out crime. Imagery collected April 16 and June 4, 2005 at Kubatana: the NGO Network Alliance Project – an online community for Zimbabwean activists.
30 Juin 2005 | News & Articles, News & Articles
L’Envoyée spéciale de l’ONU pour les questions relatives aux établissements humains au Zimbabwe, Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, a rencontré Robert Mugabe, président du Zimbabwe, dans le cadre de sa mission qui est d’examiner l’impact des récentes et massives destructions de bidonvilles par les autorités du pays, en violation des droits fondamentaux à l’habitat.