Appel à participation pour la réunion 2017 de l’Assemblée Générale de HIC à Nairobi
Nous invitons tou-te-s les Adhérent-e-s, Ami-e-s et Partenaires de HIC à assister à la réunion de l’Assemblée Générale.

Call to the HIC General Assembly 2017 Meeting in Nairobi
We invite all HIC members, Friends and Allies to participate in the annual General Assembly meeting.

Nairobi. Side Event: The Right to the City as a key paradigm for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
Global Platform’s event at the 26th Session of the Governing Council: ‘Opportunities for the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda’

Nairobi. Side event: Promoting inclusivity through an adaptive settlements planning model in Kenya
Mazingira Institute’s event at the 26th Session of the Governing Council: ‘Opportunities for the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda’