Over 400 families evicted in Chennai under the guise of ‘restoration of water bodies’ and disaster management’
Under the guise of ‘restoration of water bodies’ and ‘disaster management’, forced evictions in Chennai in the south Indian state of Tamil Naduhave already affected over 400 families, while 55,000 [...]
Press Release: HLRN Welcomes India’s Acceptance of UPR III Recommendations on Housing, Land, and Sustainable Development
Calls for a Human Rights Approach to Implementation
Press Release. A Modern-Day Genocide is Unfolding in the Narmada Valley
Nearly 40,000 Families are Still Living in Thriving Narmada Villages: Rehabilitation Sites are in Shambles.Yet the Madhya Pradesh Govt Prepares to Evict or Drown these Villages based on Falsehoods, Even [...]