HIC at the World Social Forum 2018

HIC at the World Social Forum 2018

The World Social Forum (WSF 2018) will take place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from 13 to 17 of March. The main territory will be the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), but the WSF will spread through the public, cultural and peripheral spaces of the city. It will have seminars, plenary sessions, workshops, cultural activities, conferences, marches and acts through the city.

HIC au Forum Social Mondial 2018

HIC au Forum Social Mondial 2018

Le Forum Social Mondial (FSM 2018) se tiendra ? Salvador, Bahia, Br?sil, du 13 au 17 mars. Le territoire principal sera l’Universit? F?d?rale de Bahia (UFBA), mais le FSM s’?tendra ? travers les espaces publics, culturels et p?riph?riques de la ville. Il y aura des s?minaires, s?ances pl?ni?res, ateliers, activit?s culturelles, conf?rences, manifestations et actions dans la ville.