Electoral Process for the Africa Representative at the HIC Board: Publication of Candidates’ Documents
Dear African Members of Habitat International Coalition (HIC), Receive the warm regards of the Electoral Committee (EC) Members that are conducting the process for the election of the next Representative [...]
Call for Participants: Research-Action with HIC Members in Africa
HIC shall be implementing its project, Asserting Peoples Habitat Rights at All Levels between 2018-2020. The project is supporting the work of two HIC teams, the HIC General Secretariat (HIC GS) and the HIC Housing and Land Rights Network (HIC HLRN).

The Electoral Committee validates 3 nominees for the election of the next Representative for Africa at the HIC Board for 2018-2022
Dear HIC Members in Africa, Receive the warm regards of the Electoral Committee (EC) Members that are conducting the process for the election of the next Representative for Africa at [...]
Out of Africa: Human Rights Habitat Struggles
From Africa to the World: Struggling for Human Rights to Housing, Land and the City