HIC at the 57th Commission for Social Development in New York
The HIC side event was held on the 20th of February 2019, from 1:15pm- 2:30pm in Conference room A. The meeting counted with the participation of about 46 people.

“Addressing inequalities and challenges to social inclusion”: HIC side event during the Commission for Social Development in New York
The African representative of HIC’s Board Dr. Mrs Ifeyinwa Ofong and Habitat International Coalition General Secretariat are organizing a side event titled “Addressing inequalities and challenges to social inclusion: Housing and evictions, Extractive Industries and land grabbing”.

HIC Members elect Africa Representative at the HIC Board
Results of the election of Africa Representative at the HIC Board for the period 2018-2022

Research-Action with HIC Members in Africa
HIC shall be implementing its project, Asserting Peoples Habitat Rights at All Levels between 2018-2020. The project is supporting the work of two HIC teams, the HIC General Secretariat (HIC GS) and the HIC Housing and Land Rights Network (HIC HLRN).