HIC President Election 2019: Extension of deadline for candidates’ nomination
The Electoral Committee (EC) Members are conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2019-2023 mandate.
The Electoral Committee (EC) Members are conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2019-2023 mandate.
The Electoral Committee (EC) Members are conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2019-2023 mandate.
The process for HIC’s Presidential elections starts with the setting-up of the Electoral Committee whcih oversees the process
Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is pleased to announce the Launch of the Electoral Process for the HIC President. The current term of HIC President will expire at the end of November 2019. The next four-year term will run from end of 2019 through end of 2023.