Appel à voter pour le ou la Président-e 2024-2028 de HIC
Le Comité électoral a le plaisir d'inviter tou-te-s les Adhérent-e-s de HIC ayant le droit de vote à élire le ou la Président-e 2014-2028 de HIC. Pour examiner les documents [...]
Why are collaborative housing models needed today?
Our President Adriana Allen joined the opening of the Collaborative Housing Day at the Third International Social Housing Festival that took place in Helsinki between 14–17 June 2022. “Why are collaborative housing [...]
HIC president Declaration and sound bite on climate justice
Climate Justice is a human right, HIC's President Declaration for World Habitat Day HIC’s President Declaration for World Habitat Day 2021 highlights that climate justice needs to be treated and [...]
De-Colonising Planning Education? Exploring the Geographies of Urban Planning Education Networks
A new paper from Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality - KNOW investigators Julia Wesely and Adriana Allen, HIC President. Available here. Urban planning as a networked field of governance [...]
Only 10 days left to nominate for HIC President Election 2019-2023
The Electoral Committee (EC) Members are conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2019-2023 mandate.