HIC at the Preparatory Committee 2 for Habitat III

HIC is involved in several initiatives, inside and outside
the official session, to lobby for civil society (CS) and local government (LG)’s
expectations and proposals for the New Habitat Agenda and Habitat III. This
will include the substantive CS and LG involvement and participation in the
Habitat III process; The outcomes of the research “Habitat III National
Reporting Processes: Locating the Right to the City and the Role of Civil
Society”; The status of the national and regional reports and the
participation of CS and LG; and the outcomes of the latest events organized by
the Global Platform for the Right to the City in Sao Paulo and Tunis. For HIC,
the Habitat III process and contents must be grounded in (1) a faithful
evaluation of commitments made at Habitat II; (2) a review of housing-rights
and good-governance practices consistent with those essential aspects of the
Habitat II promise; and (3) realistic preparation for the emerging human
settlement-development challenges that light the way toward improving “balanced
rural and urban development”.

second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on
Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) will be held in
Nairobi, Kenya, from Tuesday, 14 April to Thursday, 16 April 2015.

HIC’s agenda

HIC’s Activities

1.HIC’s agenda during the PrepCom 2.

2.Side event: Civil society and local government´s expectations for Habitat III.

HIC’s Documents

0. HIC’s
Statement to the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for Habitat III

1. Civil
Society Statement on World Habitat Day regarding Preparations for the United
Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

2. Habitat
III Basics: HIC’s Primer on the Indispensable Process and Content of the
International Conference on Housing and Sustainable Human Settlements (2016).

3. Research:
Habitat III National Reporting Processes: Locating the Right to the City and
the Role of Civil Society.

4. Summary
of findings of the Research

* To download the compilation of
these documents and activities, click here.

UN Official

* To download the compilation of official documents sent by
UNHabitat and the HIII Secretariat, click

information: Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
Álvaro Puertas (HIC
General Secretary) hic.general.secretary@hic-net.org

more information, please visit the following sites:

blog “Expectations for Habitat III”:

to the city platform’s website:
