Awareness raising sessions

MSD conducted 2 awareness raising sessions about the rights of Palestinian workers in the Israeli labor market and settlements, these sessions addressed the most important labor rights stipulated in the local and international laws, treaties and conventions, as they addressed theright to minimum wage, holidays, vacations and compensation of all kinds, in addition to other issues and rights entitled by the employer.

The first session was conducted in the Jerusalem Governorate office in Al-Ram, as it targeted a number of women working in various sectors, the session focused on the rights and issues related to females in particular, as the Legal Counsel of MSD Legal Clinic, Mr. Bassam Al-Assad, answered all their questions andinquiries,moreover, MSD publications related to workers’ rights were distributed on the participants.

The second session was conducted at MSD headquartersin Beit Hanina, as it targeted both female and male workers, and there was a remarkable presence and a large participation and interaction from the audience. The participants in their turn thanked MSD for conducting such sessions that raise the awareness of workers to claim for their rights and not to compromise any of these legitimate rights according to the law.

As MSD seeks through its ​​legal clinic and through these sessions to educate the category of workers that form the backbone of the community; as they are exposed to different kinds of violations by the occupation authorities and Israelis employers, in addition to the high rates of unemployment and the lack of job opportunities, thatmakes theemployers exploit this perseverance and strugglingcategory who strives to provide a decent living for their families.