The Equal Status and Human Rights of Women in South East Asia

The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to the strengthening of human rights of women in the region, by promoting awareness of applicable international human rights standards. Particular attention will be paid to regional initiatives and the current debate regarding the implementation of human rights in South East Asia, with special emphasis on the equal status and human rights of women.

The programme is primarily designed for representatives of NGO’s, government officials and academics dealing with gender and equality issues. The organisers aim for an even distribution from the countries of the region and for a gender balance among the participants, men are thus particularly encouraged to apply.

Candidates from the following countries are invited to apply for the programme: Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Candidates from Singapore and Brunei are welcome to apply, but the organisers cannot undertake any financial obligations as to their participation.

Important information about the application process, please read before applying:

  • Applications from other states than those mentioned above, will NOT be considered
  • There is a special application form that must be used when applying. You can download it from this site. (Only your CV will NOT be regarded as an application.)
  • Information brochures and application forms have been sent to Swedish Embassies/Consulates in the invited countries
  • Application forms can be sent to the Raoul Wallenberg Institute either by fax, email or regular mail
  • Last date for sending in applications: August 14 2005

More information at RWI