Habitat III Conference

Habitat III is the United NationsConference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place
inQuito, Ecuador,from 17 – 20October 2016.

In Resolution
 and in line with the bi-decennial cycle (1976, 1996 and
2016), the United Nations General Assembly decided to convene the Habitat III
Conference to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization,
to focus on the implementation of a New Urban Agenda,
building on the Habitat Agenda
of Istanbul
 in 1996.

Member States of the General
Assembly, in Resolution 67/216, decided that the objectives of the Conference
were to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable urban development,
assess accomplishments to date, address poverty, and identify and address new
and emerging challenges. The Conference will result in a concise, focused,
forward-looking, and action-oriented outcome document.

Habitat III is the first United
Nations global summit after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. It offers a unique
opportunity to discuss the important challenge of how cities, towns, and
villages are planned and managed, in order to fulfill their role as drivers of
sustainable development, and how they can shape the implementation of the new
global development goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

More information:

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at a Glance

for Participants

Habitat 3 website

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