Déclaration de solidarité avec Abahlali baseMjondolo

We, the undersigned, representatives of social movements,
not-for-profit organizations, national and local authorities and policy makers,
professionals, academics and researchers and representatives of international
organizations from 26 countries, have gathered in the city of Sao Paolo, Brazil
between November 12 and 14, 2014 to advance a Right to the City.

We wish to express our grave concern regarding reoccurring acts of
intimidation, threats, arbitrary detentions, assassinations and other acts of
violence that are being perpetrated against Abahlali baseMjondolo, movement of
shack-dwellers of South Africa who are working to advance the rights of the
urban poor to decent homes, the right to the city, and to build a society based
on respect, equality, justice and human dignity for all.

We unequivocally
condemn all acts of violence and abuses committed against the leaders and
members of Abahlali baseMjondolo.

We urge the South
African authorities to:

cease all acts of aggression;

  • launch an independent investigation to
    determine the perpetrators of these acts and ensure that justice is served;
  • provide full protection for the leaders and
    members of Abahlali baseMjondolo against any further abuses, and
  • take all possible steps to ensure adequate
    housing, dignity and equal enjoyment of right to the city for all
    residents of South Africa, with genuine dialogue and full participation by
    the people who live in the informal settlements in the country.

More information:


Four housing activists were killed
in South Africa – Protests in Budapest, London, New York and Chicago

Solidarity call out for Abahlali

Solidaridad urgente frente a la represión al movimiento popular Abahlali
baseMjondolo (pobladores)


Sign and share the petition

Abahlali baseMjondolo solidarity

UK solidarity group on Facebook