Force and arbitrary eviction in Mukuru Kwa Reuben and Kiamaiko areas in Nairobi leaves thousands of people homeless


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Our Coalition is deeply disturbed to have learned from one of our members: Mazingira Institute in Kenya about force and arbitrary eviction that left thousands of people living in Mukuru Kwa Reuben and Kiamaiko areas in Nairobi homeless.

We support the position of Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Mazingira Institute and Social Justice Center Working Group and strongly advise that the Government of Kenya halt the evictions and, rather, establish a committee comprising of Government agencies, and members of both the affected community and civil society in order that a meaningful and just solution be reached for all. We also advise the Kenyan Government to adhere to international standards concerning forced evictions and displacement, with particular reference to the UN’s “Basic Principles and Guidelines. These obligations not only include consultation with affected communities, but, also, require that the State provide alternative accommodations and compensation.

The statement from Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Mazingira Institute and Social Justice Center Working Group is available here.


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