Forum Politique de Haut Niveau 2022

La réunion du HLPF en 2022 se tiendra du mardi 5 juillet au jeudi 7 juillet et du lundi 11 juillet au vendredi 15 juillet 2022, sous les auspices du Conseil économique et social. Cela inclut le segment ministériel de trois jours du forum, du mercredi 13 juillet au vendredi 15 juillet 2022, dans le […]

Asia-Pacific regional consultation for the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing report on climate change and housing

HIC's President, Adriana Allen, will be moderating this consultation. We invite HIC members and allies to join us. Objective The purpose of this public consultation is to collect input and recommendations from Civil Society Organizations in preparation for the Rapporteur’s next report to the Human Rights Council in 2023 to the issue of the right […]

Africa, Europe and MENA consultation for the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing report on climate change and housing

Objective The purpose of this public consultation is to collect input and recommendations from Civil Society Organizations in preparation for the Rapporteur’s next report to the Human Rights Council in 2023 to the issue of the right to adequate housing and climate change. Mr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal, the Special Rapporteur, will hold 3 regional consultations with […]

Americas consultation for the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing report on climate change and housing

Objective The purpose of this public consultation is to collect input and recommendations from Civil Society Organizations in preparation for the Rapporteur’s next report to the Human Rights Council in 2023 to the issue of the right to adequate housing and climate change. Mr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal, the Special Rapporteur, will hold 3 regional consultations with […]

Virtual discussion between Latin American civil society organisations and networks and experts

Content available in Spanish “RETOS Y PERSPECTIVAS SOBRE LA AGENDA 2030 PARA EL DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE EN EL DESAFIANTE CONTEXTO MUNDIAL Y REGIONAL ACTUAL” Enlace al formato de registro:  La iniciativa de organizar el Conversatorio “Retos y perspectivas sobre la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible en el desafiante contexto mundial y regional actual” tiene […]

State of the World 2022 – Online Global Conference

TNI invites you to their first ever State of the World conference – an exciting opportunity to hear some of the best scholar activists worldwide with a truly internationalist analysis of the state of the world. Our world is in a state of flux and crisis. The pandemic exposed the deep injustice of our economic and […]

Side event: Housing and Land Rights ahead of South Africa’s UPR

The upcoming Universal Periodic Review of South Africa and the current Human Rights Council 51 st session should focus on the human rights to adequate housing and land rights and protection of their defenders Organization organizing the event: Habitat International Coalition Co-sponsoring organizations : Abahlali baseMjondolo, The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, CIVICUS, […]

Urban October 2022

Urban October is an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities we face in the defense of our Human Rights related to Habitat. The month begins with World Habitat Day on the first Monday of the month, 3 October 2022, with the theme Mind the Gap. Leave No One and […]

UCLG 7th World Congress and Summit of Local and Regional Leaders

Held every three years, the UCLG World Summit and Congress builds on the century-old origins of our Organization as a movement driven by peace, solidarity and city diplomacy, and the pledge of the local and regional governments’ constituency around the world to safeguard the dreams and aspirations of their communities.Aware that failing future generations is […]

UCLG 7th World Congress and Summit of Local and Regional Leaders

Held every three years, the UCLG World Summit and Congress builds on the century-old origins of UCLG as a movement driven by peace, solidarity and city diplomacy, and the pledge of the local and regional governments’ constituency around the world to safeguard the dreams and aspirations of their communities. The 7th UCLG Congress will be held from 10 […]