Surabaya. Fulfilling Habitat Commitments: Assessing the Past – Constructing a Platform for Action

Habitat II was held in Istanbul in 1996 wit the objective to adopt general principles and commitments, and formulate a global plan for action capable of guiding national and internationa efforts over the next twenty years. As we are approaching Habitat III, and the adoption of a "New Urban Agenda," it is essential to first understand to what degree national governemnts have managed to fulfill their Habitat II commitments.

Invitation to participate to Applied International Law Summer School

Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law is pleased to announce its Second Applied International Law Summer School for international post-graduate law students and legal researchers in Ramallah, Occupied Palestine, 24 July – 07 August 2016.

HIC at PrepCom3

Habitat International Coalition (HIC), represented by Joseph Schechla, HIC-Housing and Land Rights Network's (HIC-HLRN) coordinator and Shivani Chaudry, HIC-HLRN South Asia's (HIC HLRN SA) Executive Director, is involved in several initiatives to lobby for civil society's participation and input in the HIII process and the New Agenda that will emerge from it.