Who has the power? Against the corporate capture of global food governance

The Food Systems Summit Stocktaking Moment, now called FSS+2, will take place from 24-26 July in Rome. It will be a major conference organized by the UN Secretary General, hosted by the Government of Italy and coordinated by the FSS Coordination Hub and the Rome-based Agencies. Many oft the deep concerns expressed before by the Civil […]

2023 UN SDG Summit

At the half-way mark to fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN “SDG Summit” is charged with igniting a correction course as the UN, Member States and numerous studies agree that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are seriously off-track and the consequences of failure affect all countries and sectors of society. Key themes […]

HIC Women and Habitat Africa Working Group (WHAWG) World Habitat Day online webinar : ‘Women’s Struggle for Access and Right to the Cities”

The HIC Women and Habitat Africa Working Group (WHAWG) invites you to our World Habitat Day online webinar titled'  Women’s Struggle for Access and Right to the Cities,' which will take place via zoom on Monday, the 2nd October, 1600-1730 SAST (check your local time here) Please register for this session by clicking this link . The Habitat International […]

Asia-Pacific Urban Forum 8 in Suwan

About the 8th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-8) For the past three decades, the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum has played a pivotal role in convening the region's premier multi-stakeholder forum on sustainable urban development. The 8th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-8) will be held from 23 to 25 October 2023 in Suwon City, Republic of Korea. The Forum brings together […]

Asia Habitat Dialogues – Session 2

Save the Date  - Asia Habitat Dialogues - Session 2 1st Nov 2023 Join us for the part 2 of this online session themed, 'Sustainable Development and Livable Territories in the context of Asia: Mapping Trends and Priorities’ The Habitat International Coalition and the Working Peoples’ Coalition, India, is thrilled to announce the second session […]

Feminising Urban Struggle Seminar

The Centre for Urbanism & Built Environment Studies - CUBES, in partnership with academic institutions in Brazil, Tanzania and the Netherlands are organizing the online international seminar titled Feminising urban struggle: bodies, territories and politics in women’s production and reproduction of peripheral spaces. live on YouTube channel of IEAUSP at: https://youtube.com/@IEAUSPSP?si=bdyNV7x7CWJU0GmH. A three-day online international seminar will […]

Habitat crisis and climate change: from local responses to the international debate

From local responses to the international debate to be held on the 15 and 16 of november, 2023 Overarching Objective: To strengthen the exchange of experiences, alliance building and coordination among social actors in Latin America and other regions that work towards habitat related human rights to advance climate justice. Specific Objectives: 1. Facilitate the […]

Save the date ! HIC General Assembly

Dear HIC Members, Friends and Partners, Please save the date and join us for the 2023 HIC General Assembly. Our agenda will include regional reports and strategic debates, as well as motions related to outcomes from the institutional review process. Some  items and motions will require your votes. Date: Tuesday 5 December 2023 Time: 2:30pm […]

Asia Habitat Dialogues – Session 4

We are immensely grateful for your active participation and valuable insights during our previous sessions. It's your engagement that makes the Asia Habitat Dialogues a success. The Habitat International Coalition and the Working Peoples’ Coalition, India, are delighted to announce the fourth session of our Asia Habitat Dialogues. Please save the date for this pivotal […]

World Social Forum 2024 Nepal

We are pleased to inform you that the World Social Forum 2024 (WSF2024) is scheduled to take place from February 15-19 in Nepal. The WSF serves as an open space and platform for the convergence of a diverse range of participants, including social movements, laborers, farmers, civil society groups, marginalized communities, and those affected by […]