1st edition of the Cameroon Cities and Roofs

Theme: THE POTENTIAL OF POPULAR AREAS Date: 4-5 December 2019 Location: Douala - Cameroon Languages: English and French In collaboration with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU) of Cameroon, the Diocesan Committee for Social Activities and Caritas of the Archdiocese of Douala is organizing the first Salon Villes et Toits du Cameroun in […]

Transformative Cities People’s Choice Award 2019 finale

Amsterdam Kempering 58 Amsterdam, ZUID OOST 1104kg, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Stories of environmental degradation and social injustice seem to dominate the news. But all around the world, people are developing local solutions to global problems. Through a different lens, we see that another world is not only possible, it is already being built. We launched an award for people-led initiatives to highlight and strengthen stories […]

1st edition of the 2019 Cameroon Cities and Roofs Fair


You are directly or indirectly involved in the development of your neighbourhood or city, so come and strengthen your knowledge or share your experience on December 19-20, 2019 at Saint Jerome Catholic University. More information on the Cameroon Cities and Roofs Fair  

HIC at the IIHS Conference on Urban Equality in Bangalore (India)

Bangalore, India

This fourth edition of Urban ARC, the Annual Research Conference of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) will focus on the conceptual, theoretical and practical understanding of notions of equality and equity in the context of a rapidly urbanising world. More than 55 per cent of the world’s population now lives in urban regions (United […]

HIC at the IIHS Conference on Urban Equality in Bangalore (India)

This fourth edition of Urban ARC, the Annual Research Conference of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) will focus on the conceptual, theoretical and practical understanding of notions of equality and equity in the context of a rapidly urbanising world. More than 55 per cent of the world’s population now lives in urban regions (United […]

World Urban Forum 10 Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi , Emiratos Arabes Unidos

The World Urban Forum, convened by UN-Habitat, has become one of the most relevant international gatherings on sustainable urban development. The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) and its members have successfully participated in several of the previous gatherings and consider the WUF an important forum to advocate for sustainable and inclusive […]

World Urban Forum 10 Abu Dhabi

The World Urban Forum, convened by UN-Habitat, has become one of the most relevant international gatherings on sustainable urban development. HIC will participate at the Tenth Session (WUF10) to advocate for sustainable and inclusive urban development, promoting the role of civil society in the implementation of international agendas: the Agenda 2030 and the New Urban […]

HIC participation in the 58th Session of the UN Commission on Social Development

The fifty-eighth session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD58) will take place from 10 to 19 February 2020 in Conference Room 4, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  The Commission is the advisory body responsible for the social development pillar of global development. In 2020, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Commission and the 25th […]

Session of the Commission on the Status of Women – CSW64 / Beijing+25 (2020)

In 2020, the global community will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). A five-year milestone will be reached towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 2020 is therefore a pivotal year for the accelerated realization of gender equality […]