HIC regional meeting with Latin American Members

Proposed agenda: Actions taken by Members to ensure human rights related to Habitat during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis. Responses from state or municipal authorities. The meeting aims to learn the actions from other networks, articulations or individuals to face the Coronavirus crisis.

Virtual meeting with HIC Members in Africa

Working together during and beyond the COVID-19 outbreak to protect habitat’s rights As the COVID-19 emergency starts hitting Africa, we are calling a virtual meeting with all Members in the African region on Thursday 9th April (Please check the meeting schedule in your local time clicking here. The aim is to establish a space for collective learning […]

World Social Forum of Transformative Economies

The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies is the process of convergence of different local and international movements from the alternative economy, which we call transformative economies. The main objective of this process is to bring together social movements and projects which share the will to put people and the environment at the centre of the economy, […]

Remote pedagogies for social learning: video available

Post COVID-19 Urban Futures webinar series - No. 6 Hosted by: Adriana Allen & Julia Wesely co-organised with the Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW) programme and Habitat International Coalition (HIC) Event Information Open to All Registration required - https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_POa0gfx5ROiHre84uldTtA This event will be held in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation. Since the beginning […]

Annual CoHabitat Network meeting

The Co-Habitat Network is a network of community-led housing organizations and allies, who work together to secure housing through collective, non-speculative, people-led solutions The next meeting of the Co-Habitat Network will take place in June. Two CoHabitat online sessions in early June to catch up, connect and reflect on ongoing activities, challenges we are facing […]

The Agenda of June: Habitat et Participation

'- La vidéo "B.a - BA de l'habitat groupé" est en ligne ! - Cycle webinair sur l'habitat groupé #4# 12/06 # L'habitat inclusif solidaire  - 18/06 I GT "Habitat solidaire, santé mentale" à Bruxelles - Cycle webinaire sur l'habitat groupé #5# 19/06 # Le statut isolé et cohabitant - Programmation estivale à Bruxelles - […]

High-level Political Forum 2020 under the auspices of ECOSOC

New York

The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2020 convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, will be held from Tuesday, 7 July, to Thursday, 16 July 2020, including the three-day ministerial meeting of the forum from Tuesday, 14 July, to Thursday, 16 July 2020. Regional preparatory meetings will be organized […]

Meeting of the Latin American Regional Working Group on Social Production of Habitat

The Working Group on Habitat Production and Social Management was formed as a result of an agreement between members and partners of Habitat International Coalition (HIC) on the occasion of a side event at the 7th World Urban Forum (Medellin, 2014). There, it was decided to identify and document transformative experiences throughout the region and […]