UN 2023 Water Conference

On 20 December 2018, the General Assembly adopted the resolution on the “Midterm comprehensive review of the implementation of the International Decade for Action, ‘Water for Sustainable Development’, 2018-2028” (A/RES/73/226). The resolution calls for a Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action to be […]

UN 2023 Water Conference

The Conference will feature an opening and closing ceremony, six plenary meetings and five multi-stakeholder interactive dialogues. It will also feature a number of high-level special events and side events organized by Member States, the UN system and other stakeholders. More info about the UN 20203 Water Conference is available here https://sdgs.un.org/conferences/water2023

International Social Housing Festival 2023

The International Social Housing Festival (ISHF) 2023 will take place in Barcelona, Spain, on June 7–9. It will focus on the lessons to be learned from mature as well as emerging housing systems vis-à-vis emerging social and economic challenges across the world, with a special focus on Southern Europe and extensive participation from the rest of […]

International Social Housing Festival 2023

The International Social Housing Festival (ISHF) 2023 will take place in Barcelona, Spain, on June 7–9. It will focus on the lessons to be learned from mature as well as emerging housing systems vis-à-vis emerging social and economic challenges across the world, with a special focus on Southern Europe and extensive participation from the rest of […]

World Environment Day

Image © Muntaka Chasant, CC BY-SA 4.0 2023 is the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day. This year the host is Côte d'Ivoire in partnership with the Netherlands. Over the past five decades, the day has grown to be one of the largest global platforms for environmental outreach. Tens of millions of people take part […]

Second UN-Habitat Assembly

The second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 June 2023, at the UN-Habitat Headquarters in Nairobi. The theme of the session is “A sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of global crises”. HIC will attend the UN Habitat Assembly and the Board […]

High-Level Political Forum 2023

New York, UN Nations Headquarters , United States

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from Monday, 10 July, to Wednesday, 19 July 2023, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council . This includes the three-day ministerial segment of the forum from Monday, 17 July, to Wednesday, 19 July 2023 as part of the High-level Segment of the Council. The last day […]

Who has the power? Against the corporate capture of global food governance

The Food Systems Summit Stocktaking Moment, now called FSS+2, will take place from 24-26 July in Rome. It will be a major conference organized by the UN Secretary General, hosted by the Government of Italy and coordinated by the FSS Coordination Hub and the Rome-based Agencies. Many oft the deep concerns expressed before by the Civil […]